Weekend Word With Vonda Armstrong- What Will Heaven Be Like?

What will Heaven be like?

I like what Crosswalk.com has to say about heaven.

“There will be no misunderstandings or tiffs or tension among us. Our relationships will be so much healthier in heaven than here. Down here we have problems even with our closest friends. You know what that’s like. Someone says something to you, and you aren’t sure how to interpret it. You react to it— perhaps overact. You say to yourself, “I wonder what he meant by that? I wonder why she said that?”

In heaven there will be none of that. Our relationships will be open, honest, interesting, loving, and uncomplicated by sin or our sinful natures. We will dwell with God, the angels, and one another in perfect compatibility and refreshing intimacy.”

The truth is that we all will have an appointment with death. And we must be ready.

The lyrics in this song by Eagle’s Wings says it best.

“Pain is a stranger, there’ll be no danger, it’s glory forevermore.”

Happy Saturday!


