By: Vonda Armstrong
Hey Friends! Â Hope you had a great week. I have been trying to get things in order around the house and ready for the grandkids to come visit next week.
My goldendoodle puppy, Romeo decided a while back to eat the door in the bathroom. I’m not really sure why, but we came home one day to this surprise.

I posted about it on social media and got lots of comments and opinions. I made sure to say, “I’m keeping him, still love him, etc because in spite of the door, I love my baby boy, Romeo.â€
But this morning, I received this message.
Good morning my beautiful friend,
I hope all has been well. ( Even though Romeo has ate your door). Lol I’m sorry to laugh it’s really not funny I know but it brought up this wonderful memory. A few years back when my sister was still with me. She was having a good, chemo free day and we decided to go shopping. Her new little shitzu, Sissy had just been fixed and she didn’t want to leave her at home which is a good ways from where we would be. So I offered my house. But I insisted on leaving Sissy in my bathroom. Well by the time we got back that sweet little girl had eaten up my door frame as high as high as she could go. I was a little ticked off in that moment. My wonderful husband did some patchwork and repainted it and the damage ended up being barely noticeable unless you know where to look. It’s going to be 7 years this August that Jen is with Jesus. And you just gave my heart a thrill by reminding me about that day and the fun we had. Sissy passed away two weeks ago, she had become the family dog that lived with another sister after Jen left us. But I’m looking at those little teeth marks a little differently today. ☺️ I say all of that to say cherish the memories, you never know what a dog eating a door may mean to you or someone else in the not too distant future. Have a great one my friend.

Thank you Tiffany for sharing this with me. God used Jen’s story to touch me today!
Every cloud has a silver lining….