At SGN Scoops, we are having a focus on prayer during the week of the National Day of Prayer which occurs on Thursday, May 7, 2015. We have asked our friends in social media to talk to us about the importance of prayer in their lives.
Today’s Bible verse: “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16 KJV)

Mark Trammell, of the Mark Trammell Quartet, talks about the constant provision of God:
It is customary that we pray before the bus leaves my house. I personally pray before going to bed and when I wake up, whether at home or on the road. Answers to prayer begin with the beginning of this group 13 years ago last week. God has answered prayer specifically, especially in the area of providing a way for us to continue to sing in the small church in America.
Eight years ago, Mark Trammell Outreach was formed. This is the non-profit missions outreach arm of our ministry. Jeff Haney approached me eight years ago and asked me if I truly had a burden for the small church and the desire to take the best quality gospel music to them. I told him that day that I grew up in a small church and I would love to be able to take our music to a part of the christian world that could not otherwise afford to have a “professional” group. God has blessed that outreach effort, so much so that our MTO bloodline members contribute enough annually to allow us to sing in 30 to 40 communities per year that would not otherwise be able to afford it. It blesses me and is a great lesson to my men that we give our all whether we sing to 50 or 12,000.
God has also been faithful in answering prayer and giving direction in the area of  member changes, as well as simple things like upgrading equipment and finding the right studio to use when recording. I believe that it is important to live by Proverbs 3:5&6. “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding
God IS interested in the “little things” in our lives. The key to this scripture is having the faith to walk in the paths that he directs us to. God is only responsible to provide when we are obedient to His voice. Doesn’t mean I always am. But it sure does make a difference when we are!

Mitzi Stamey, vocalist with His Mercies, has seen God answer many prayers:
Prayer is a closeness with God. I can go to him and pray for forgiveness, I can ask for healing or restoration for myself and others, and ask for desires of the heart as well. It’s the straight path of leading others to Christ through salvation as well. I read and study his word daily and I try to pray several times a day. I pray in a quiet place: in my bedroom, or in my special chair in the living room.
When we travel, I can take needs to the father through prayer using the churches’ altars, and can simply be praying on the way to our concerts.
I have seen God answer many prayers. Just recently I saw a man with stage-four lung cancer at a church and prayed for him. When I returned to the church a few months later he was completely healed.
It’s not uncommon to see God’s hand at work each and every day. We have been blessed to see over 40 lives accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior so far this year alone.
I have seen miracles in my own life. I was infertile and struggled with wanting a child for years and God gave me a special call from a doctor one day, who I didn’t even know, and I ended up conceiving my son, who is now 13 (will be 14 June 12 th.)
I prayed again for a daughter and God sent a girl right into my path who blessed me with my daughter who is now eight years old. He spared my life from a car crash in which the car flipped three times. I felt the presence of God with me as the prayers were answered.
I’m here to tell you God is REAL. You can’t convince me otherwise, I have too many stories to tell but I would be writing a book.
I may not be much but there is one thing for certain, I’m a born again child of God and I’m so thankful He cared enough to go to Calvary and take the nails and stripes for me and you!
Richard tells us: I just found KJIC 90.5 FM, a Christian radio station and then saw the link to this site. I see that the focus this week is on prayer, so I thought I would share with you(or maybe you already know about) the world wide prayer meeting taking place started by Times Square Church.
They get together and fast,worship, and pray once a week. It is about an hour and 30min. You can submit prayer requests and praise reports.
Christians tune in (live webcast) from about 150 countries to pray and seek the face of God. The pastor believes God called us for such a time as this and bases it on 2 Chronicles 7:14.
These are the one minute devotionals that focus on prayer.
Have you had a close encounter with God? Do you have a special place you go to be alone with Him? Tell us. lorraine@sgnscoops.com Thanks to everyone we have heard from so far!