We have had such a great response from our SGN Scoops’ friends that we are posting a double Prayer feature today. We hope that these comments touch your heart and increase your faith.
Remember, today’s prayer verse is: Today’s Bible verse: “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.†(James 5:16KJV)

Clayton Inman of the Triumphant Quartet, says that prayer is the key:
Prayer is, no doubt, key to everything that transpires in my daily life. Everyone gets busy. I know it doesn’t sound holy, but I do too. So much so, if I don’t begin my day in His word and prayer, everything becomes stressful and fleeting. I think this quote was attributed to Martin Luther, though it’s not found in his writings: “I have so much to do today that, if I don’t spend at least three hours in prayer, I would never get it all done.”
Jason Runnels of Jason Runnels Ministries shares one very direct answer to prayer:
When thinking about prayer, I could go on and on about the goodness of God and how He has answered prayers for me over and over. However, one prayer in particular comes not from me, but from my mom. This month of May marks the six year anniversary of her death.
Ten years prior to that, mom was diagnosed with cancer. When the doctors found the cancer she was told she had a year at best to live. Mom looked at the doctors and said, “Well Doc, you don’t have the final say in that! I am praying that God will give me ten years so I can see my grand babies grow up.” We began to pray along with her, and she claimed it in Jesus name.
When Mom passed away, she was two months shy of ten years! I promise God is real and He truly answers prayer!
My prayer closet is usually while I am driving at night. My family typically goes to bed or sits back on the couch watching tv, so I have alone time with God. But, I try to always start my day with prayer before I ever get started. I thank God for another day to serve Him and spend with my family.
What does prayer mean to you? Have you had some obvious answers to prayer, that could only have been God? Email us at lorraine@sgnscoops.com