Nashville, TN Les Butler was admitted to Stonecrest Medical Center in Smyrna, TN on Sunday, November 22 with COVID pneumonia.
Here is an open letter from Les, written yesterday evening:
“So, here’s the story. I’ve been in Stonecrest Medical Center in Smyrna, TN since Sunday. I have COVID pneumonia and am having issues with my oxygen. The single prayer request I have is that my oxygen levels will head the right direction. All else is well. No fevers, weakness, etc.
I am happy to report that we (me and the Lord) have been having great worship services in room 303! Hallelujah! I’ve been studying the Bible, reading books about prayer, reading through God’s Promise Book (powerful). I’ve been watching great Gospel music on YouTube. Simply having church.
Bev also has COVID, but mild. She is at home worried sick about me. Please pray for her. This will be our first Thanksgiving apart from each other in 40 years. No complaints. God has been good to us.
I’m out for now. Pray! I’m excited to see what kind of testimony God is preaparing for me! I will tell the world of his goodness and mercy!
Please feel free to share. I don’t care who touches the throne room on my behalf! And thank you to the hundreds who have known and have been praying for me. I am getting texts all the time. Very encouraging!”
Les‘s wife, Bev, shared this update today, “I ask all of our friends to pray fervently for Les. He has not had a very good day, oxygen levels have been dropping and they keep increasing the oxygen. They have called in a pulmonary specialist. Today will be the final Remdesivir treatment and possibly a second blood plasma antibody infusion. I’m trusting God to turn this around. He is able!”
Thank you for your continued prayers for Les, his wife, Bev, and their family!