Nashville, TN (August 8, 2015) – This Week in Gospel Music is a show not to be missed! Host Mickey Bell covers the great Southern Gospel Music turnover, by revealing all the artists who are leaving their groups. There are so many that Mickey even opens up the phone lines to see if anyone else wants to call in to make an announcement! He has press release forms prepared for your convenience. Be sure to listen!
Mickey talks with artist Amber Nelon Thompson about her recent tubing adventure in Georgia. He also visits with SGN Scoops publisher Rob Patz about the upcoming Diamond Awards and how you can be part of the voting process.
All this and all the Southern Gospel music you love!

Don’t forget to download the This Week In Gospel Music app so you can now hear the new show each week the moment it is uploaded on Thursday. Find the app today on www.ThisWeekinGospelMusic.com
We are still adding more stations! Stations can sign up here: bit.ly/stationsignup . Program Directors can check out more information at www.thisweekingospelmusic.com.
Connect with Mickey Bell on his facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/thisweekingospelmusic