The Lore Family have Faith Over Fear on upcoming album

The Lore Family have Faith Over Fear on upcoming album

Arden, North Carolina — As they prepare for the release of Faith Over Fear, The Lore Family’s fourth collection for Horizon Records coming soon on November 15, Darren Lore is in a reflective mood.

“Years ago, in a small congregation, the Lord started to grow an unknown family into a singing ministry,” the Southern Gospel singer and songwriter recalls. “The first recording by The Lore Family was intended to serve as a reminder of those earliest years—but God had a greater plan.

“Soon,” he continues, “The Lore Family began to launch out from Southern Ohio into surrounding states. Those first few years of recording, singing and ministry went by so quickly. Fayth and Samuel grew up boldly standing beside Sandy and I on various stages. As a family, we grew musically, professionally and spiritually. We prayed to be united in our cause. We believed in the One who gave us the songs. Now, nearly 20 years later, The Lore Family is still singing for the Lord. What a blessing to be releasing our tenth project!”

Indeed, Faith Over Fear — now available for pre-save/add — offers a compelling musical testimonial to the power that emerges when an abundance of talent is married to unshakable faith. Built around the four singles the quartet has released in 2024, it’s a collection that spans a variety of musical moods and settings, yet never loses sight of The Lore Family’s underlying, Christ-centered purpose. Beginning with the opening track and first single, “God Said You’re Gonna Make It,” which features both Darren and Sandy Lore on a decades-old popular favorite, Faith Over Fear offers everything from soulful ballads like Fayth Lore Whisnant’s poignant “By Grace” to the bluegrass flavor of the title track, sung by Jake Whisnant, to the expansively orchestrated “There Was A Day When” and “I Wish They Could See Me Now,” to the robust rhythms of the album’s next focus track, Sandy Lore’s spirited reading of “Shaking Off The Dust” and the closing “I Keep Praying” — Darren Lore’s contribution of fully half of the album’s songs underlines even more deeply the unity of the Family’s artistic and spiritual approach.

“A lot has changed in The Lore Family over the past two decades,” observes Darren. “Change is inevitable in every life and ministry—but God has remained faithful and true. We know that, whatever tomorrow holds, we can choose ‘Faith Over Fear,’ In seasons of uncertainty, we can rest in Christ.

“The Lore Family prays that this project outlives us,” he concludes. “Each song has a specific message that will stand the test of time. They’ve been recorded to challenge and encourage you. But, they have already served to strengthen our faith. The lyrics are powerful. Listen close and God will speak to you. Let the melody of each song fill your heart. It’s our heart’s desire that the lost will be found through the Gospel. We want you to be able to say ‘There Was a Day When’ Jesus saved me. Only God knows how He will use this recording. We yield our future to Him. ‘By Grace’ we’ve been saved through faith. And, we know that we will be kept in His care.”

Pre-save/add Faith Over Fear HERE.

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