Lance Driskell has a beautiful voice and deep faith. His single, “He’s Still There,” was played regularly on gospel music radio over the last year. Find out more about this artist on today’s SGNScoops Super Six!
SGNScoops: Please tell us about your ministry. How did you begin singing?
Lance Driskell: I’m a third generation gospel singer. My granddad began singing in old convention singings with his brothers and sisters. Through the years, it moved down to my mom and uncles and eventually to me. I’m the last in the line if one of the great-grandchildren don’t take it up. I played drums and later sang with my family through most of my childhood. In 1995, I believe, I met a wonderful guy by the name of Donny Lewis, he allowed me to join his ministry team singing at youth events and churches. I met some of the best people doing that. In 1997, I helped start a local gospel trio, Holy Destiny. In 2000, on my 22nd birthday, a dream came true and I made my debut singing full time with Tony Gore and Majesty. I traveled with that group until 2002. I met some fantastic folks. One was the piano player, Byron Steward. He’s my best friend to this day. One other guy I met and always loved to death was the best tenor singer to ever walk on stage, Jay Parrack. In 2017, Byron called one day and asked if I’d be interested in singing baritone for Jay’s group. No question! So, I tried out and we all picked up where we left off, having a great time and sharing the good news. We traveled until November 2019, when Jay took the job with the Lefevre Quartet. So, here I am! Alone again. I’m just kidding. I believe we all end up exactly where God wants us if we’re faithful. I have always had a few solo dates throughout the year. Having “He’s Still There†get all this attention has made me realize God’s not done. In some ways, He’s just begun.

SGNScoops: What is your most recent project/album? What is your favorite song and why?
LD: Well, due to the timeframe of wanting to get, “He’s Still There,” out as soon as possible. I made it a single. I’m currently working on a five song EP.
SGNScoops: What was your greatest challenge over the last 12 months?Â
LD: Figuring out what God wants from me. I’ve always made things happen. I’ve had a hard time getting out of the way, letting God lead. He’s shown me that all I need is Him. No one and nothing else compares. The entire 2020 has been an eye opening. Anyone should see, in an instant, everything you think are important could be gone.

SGNScoops: What was your greatest blessing over the last 12 months?Â
LD: Same answer: Figuring out what God wants from me. It’s amazing to know you’re where God wants you. He just wants a willing heart. This past year has been the most amazing year of my life. I’ve grown closer to my Savior and he’s opened so many doors for me.
SGNScoops: Jesus often spoke in parables so that his audiences would understand his message. What analogies or personal stories do you use while explaining to your audience about the love of God?
LD: Romans 5:8 says, “While we were yet sinners Christ died for us.â€
I may get something different out of this verse than most folks. I spent years trying to do things myself, ie: Fix relationships, minister, raise my children, love my wife. When I was the farthest from God, I tried to fix that and get back to where I needed to be using my own idea of what God wanted me to be. One day at my very lowest, I didn’t have one more idea, or suggestion on getting what I needed to do. I didn’t have one ounce of strength left to fight.
Standing at the foot of my bed one day I just said, “Jesus.” He whispered into my heart, “I’ve been here waiting.†The most amazing peace came over me. Peace I have to this day. He has begun his fix on my heart and life. See, he don’t want us fixed, he wants to fix us. While we were still broken, still confused, and yet sinners he died for us.
SGNScoops: What is your favorite bible verse and why?
LD: There’s a ton. But recently, Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.â€
I’ve spent a large part of my life putting my hope in, and having joy and peace come from, circumstances and outcomes to problems. I didn’t learn true peace and joy until my hope was placed in Jesus. We tend to base our joy on healing, or relationships, or wealth, or certain situations. When we focus on Jesus and understand our true joy comes from Him, the rest works out, and it turns out that it really doesn’t matter if it works out because you’re not paying attention to you. Only Jesus.
Thank you, Lance Driskell, for your responses from your heart.
Find out more about Lance Driscoll here: