Nebraska doesn’t usually produce Southern Gospel artists, but then the McClellan Singing Sisters aren’t your usual Southern Gospel group. This quartet of four sisters, ranging in age from 12 to 23 has a unique sound that is all their own; one that began with children’s Sunday school songs and now is a mature, edgy, enticing new sound showcased on their latest EP, Metamorphosis. (Editor’s note: this article was first published in 2013.)
Join us as Rob Patz chats with the captivating McLellan Singing Sisters.
Rob: 1. Please introduce us to each of you and we’d love to know one special thing about each of you that makes you different from your other sisters.
TM: My name is Tiffany. I am the 2nd oldest sister in our family, oldest of the group. I am engaged to Jeff Ebert. If I drink Hi-C Fruit Punch I get very hyper.
KM: I’m Kimberly, I turned 18 a couple months ago and I’m the middle child; two older sisters and two younger sisters. I’m the group/family communicator and I love interior/fashion design.
JM: I’m Jewel. With 16 years of living behind me, it brings me in as the second youngest of the group and also of the family. I guess you could call me the geek of the group because I’m into superheroes, comic books and pretty much anything sci-fi.
TMM: I’m TaMera, the youngest, whoop whoop! And 12 years old! I’m the only one in the group with an all-natural hair color.
Rob: 2. Tell us about your latest CD, Metamorphosis. What are you morphing “from” and “to”? How has your style changed and how is this exhibited in this project?
MSS: The word “metamorphosis”, in the context we’re using, means; “A change of the form, or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means.” God (Who is supernatural) is changing our very nature as individuals. Growing us, stretching us, building us into the people He designed us to be. As musicians and artists, our music style and tastes are constantly shifting and evolving. This EP is a different direction musically but we feel its part of a natural transition into the next chapter God is writing for us.
Rob: 3a. Can each of you tell us who your favorite artists are currently?
TM: Definitely FFH, Tenth Avenue North, Michael W. Smith, Lauren Talley, Tribute Quartet.”
KM: Steven Curtis Chapman, Michael W. Smith, The Afters, Tenth Avenue North, NEEDTOBREATHE, Talley Trio, Tribute Quartet.
JM: Anthem Lights, Hawk Nelson, Andrew Peterson, Brandon Heath, Chris August, Dara Maclean.
TMM: The Talleys, tobyMac, Tribute Quartet, Group1Crew, Chris August, Matthew West, for King & Country, Brandon Heath.
Rob: 3b. Whose music has been the greatest influence on your singing?
MSS: In recent years, FFH, Tribute Quartet and The Talleys. When we started as young girls, Rob “The Donut Man” Evans.
Rob: 4. Do each of you have someone in your life who has been an inspiration to you? Who is that and why are they an inspiration?
TM: I would have to say my sweet fiancé, Jeff Ebert. He has amazing story and has helped me grow in my walk with God. He inspires me every day to pursue Christ and live a life of joy from seeing God’s blessings!
KM: Our dad Tim for sure, he is smart but not afraid to admit if he doesn’t know an answer. He isn’t just intelligent but wise as well. The first place he goes before making a big decision or for answers is to God. Together with our Mom Judy, I see what a God-honoring marriage should be.
JM: Our worship pastor Todd and his wife Karen. Karen has battled various forms of cancer since 2000. They are an inspiration to me because their lives are living examples of God’s faithfulness even in the most devastating of circumstances.
TMM: Our oldest sister Samantha because she’s a great example of a godly, Christian woman.
Rob: 5. Can each of you tell us what is your most favorite song to sing on stage and why?
TM: Right now, I love “No Chain On Me”. Yes, it is a very upbeat, exciting song to sing, but the message is what gets me; it’s a cry to see the whole world experience the freedom that comes from knowing Christ!
KM: “Broken World†– I heard this song on The Talleys project, ‘Love Won’. The first time I listened, I knew this was a song that would touch our audiences because it touched me so deeply. It assures that although this earth and everyone in it has been tainted by sin, God is in control. It reminds us that someday we can live in the perfection of Heaven if we trust in Him.
JM: “What If Your Best†– the song is a prayer for God to make me into what He wants even if I don’t like it at the time. I didn’t write it, but I feel like it is an autobiography for me.
TMM: “No Chains On Me†– because it’s fast and fun!
Rob: 6a. Where is your favorite place to eat on the road?
TM: We usually end up at a Chick-Fil-A because we don’t have one close to where we live.
KM: “Mmmm depends on the day, but I’m always good with Chick-fil-A!
JM: “Depends on what’s available.”
TMM: “Steak N Shake.”
Rob: 6b. What happens when you can’t agree on where you are stopping?
MSS: Dad or Mom decides!
Rob: 7. What is your favorite thing to do when you are off the road?
TM: Spend time with my fantastic fiancé Jeff Ebert of course!
KM: Spending time with friends and family we don’t get to travel with. Maybe catching up at a coffee shop or taking in a movie.
JM: Kimberly and I have a blog, that’s how I like spending my free time. And I never
thought I would one of those people but… I love to work out!
TMM: Spending time outdoors and listening to audiobooks.
Rob: 8. Can each of you tell us who your favorite Biblical character is and why?
TM: The Apostle Peter. Peter stands out to me the most because he resembles me. In the Gospels, when we first meet him, he loved to say the first thing he thought! Peter shows us when there’s something deep within you needing a change and you seek Christ, He will provide a life-changing perspective.
KM: I’m studying through Romans right now; I love how God used Paul and his dedication to serving Christ. He was arrested, beaten, jailed, shipwrecked, ridiculed and yet he continued following God’s will for his life. Studying Romans, I’m beginning to realize the enormity of God’s wonderful, precious grace.
JM: Recently our Pastor did a sermon series on the book of Ruth. He brought up many points that I had never thought of before and showed what an amazing woman she was.
TMM: John, because he got to write the book of Revelation!
Rob: 9a. For each of you: What is the best part about singing with your sisters?
TM: My sisters are my best friends! This may sound cliché but I am blessed to do what I love, with the people I love!
KM: We really have a bond; we each consider each other to be best friends. Even when we’re facing some sort of difficulty or disagreement, we know we all have each others’ backs.
JM: I always have my best friends’ right there with me! They have my back and no matter what I do they won’t fire me at the end of the day!
TMM: Doing something you enjoy with people you love.
Rob: 9b. What is the greatest challenge?
MSS: Whatever challenge we are facing at the time. Satan is always trying to discourage and derail the plan of God. But God is faithful and promises He will never abandon us.
Rob: 10. For each of you: You are in a space shuttle, going on a journey and you may not return. You have time for one tweet. What would you say?
TM: Dear Lord, please allow Toy Story’s “Pizza Planet” to be real! Amen. #ILovePizza
KM: I’d Google a quote about space or stars like – ‘A telescope will magnify a star a thousand times, but a good press agent can do even better.’ – Fred Allen
JM: It takes me a long time to fit anything into 140 characters. I guess I’d leave it simple at “G’bye”!
TMM: What my Dad always says, ‘God wins’!
These ladies are swiftly becoming Gospel artists that have a sound and a message for their generation. Watch for the McLellan Singing Sisters appearing in your area and be prepared for good music, great family harmony and a style that exemplifies the Metamorphosis happening in their lives. Be a part of the next chapter of The McLellan Singing Sisters.
For more information: http://www.mccsingingsisters.com/
McLellan Singing Sisters on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mccsingingsisters
First published by SGN Scoops in February 2013.