SGN Scoops Fast Five welcomes contestant Darlene Chapman to the Monday quiz time. Darlene is a singer, speaker and television host and greatly involved in Women’s Ministries.
We cornered Darlene and asked her to share her life with SGN Scoops. Here are her responses:
SGN: What new things are happening in your career right now?
Darlene: I am Currently working on my new project…..
SGN: What is your dream venue where you would like to perform?
Darlene: I would LOVE to sing at The Grand Ole Opry.
SGN: What is one thing about you that people would be surprised to know?
Darlene: I am a very funny person, quick witted and love to make people laugh…I would love to be a Comedian!
SGN: Who is your favorite male Gospel music artist?
Darlene: TWO of my favorite male gospel singers are Michael Kitts and Steve Ladd.
SGN: What is the most recent book you have read?
Darlene: The last book I read was Stronger by Kathy Crabb Hannah.
SGN: Can you tell us something humorous that has happened to you on the road?
Darlene: I’ve had MANY funny things happen during a concert, like the usual forgetting the words and making them up as you go and the people you sing with look at you with that LOOK…….. But one of the funniest things is when I was singing with a couple of guys and one of them always chewed gum while he was singing. This one particular time, during the middle of a song, his chewing gum went flying out of his mouth and landed on the altar! It was so hard to keep singing without laughing but I guess GOD had that gum right where HE wanted it!
We thank Darlene for being such a good sport with us for the Fast Five. Â We asked her to share her story with us. Here is what she says:
I am a Speaker, Singer and Co-host of a TV show called A Christian Talk of the Town. I am a Makeup Artist and have a love and passion for Women’s Ministry. I host Women’s Conferences and speak at all different women’s events, Seminars and Churches. I love sharing the story of how God saved me at a very early age but through pain of a divorce due to a marriage full of abuse and infidelity, I turned my back on God. I found myself in a world I never knew existed and Satan took me places I had never been nor intended to go. He tried to destroy me and almost did. But I am so glad God loved me enough that in spite of all I had done, took me back when I was so unworthy to even ask HIM to.
GOD takes what is broken and puts it back together again. He picked me up out of the dirt I was wallowing in and washed me white as snow. The pain and regret of some of the things I did while living in sin, still haunt me today. However, NOW I take that pain of my past, the guilt and shame that Satan had bound me to and with GOD’s help, have turned it into something positive. God freed me from my past and now I share my story and my testimony with anyone that will listen. My hope and prayer is that from my bad choices and mistakes, I can spare someone else from the same misery I experienced.
God is forgiving, loving and merciful…….and just like the song on my new project I am currently working on says “Been There Before.†God knew where I was and what I was going through and HE knew the pain I was feeling and even though I blamed GOD, HE refused to let Satan have me and HE took me back in. What a mighty God I serve…
Be sure to find out more about Darlene Chapman on the web today!