The Storm by Selena Day
James 3: 4 & 5Â
 4, And a small rudder makes a huge ship turn wherever the pilot chooses to go, even though the winds are strong. 5, So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things.

have been hearing a lot about storms, ships, or boats during this season of uncertainty. This post recently came across my social media feed:
“We are not in the same boat…..It is being said that we are all in the same boat, but it’s not like that. We are in the same storm, but not in the same boat.”
A very insightful quote from an anonymous source got me to pay more attention to the narrative flowing in the world right now. We have gone from the fear of sickness to the worry of economic catastrophe. Our political leaders are making decisions, whether good or bad, and because we have a platform on social media, we feel the need to voice our opinion concerning those decisions.Â
I want to caution us to remember James’ advice concerning our tongues. We are in this storm together, but are you commanding your ship with the help of your creator? Where have you placed the authority of your ship? You should be the one in command of your vessel, hopefully leaning into the wisdom and revelation of Jesus Christ and what it means to have a personal relationship with God.
Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Another translation reads this way; “What you say can preserve life or destroy it, so you must accept the consequences of your words.”Â
What we say collectively during this season is so powerful, because, for the first time in history, we have the ability to speak as one. The world is so connected, not just by observation through television, but by communication via our many social media platforms. We can see and hear what a friend halfway around the world is encountering due to the corona pandemic.Â
Strong’s gives this definition for the word tongue: i. e. the language used by a particular people in distinction from that of other nations.Â
Let us remember what kingdom we belong to, a heavenly realm where our language and speech come from a place of victory. As believers in Jesus Christ, we are ambassadors of God’s Kingdom, and as such, we need to speak with the tongue of that kingdom. That kingdom is rich in everything we will ever need. Healing, provision, strength of character, peace, joy, and so much more. Â
I believe our words and our thoughts are so powerful. What we think in our mind usually comes out of our mouths. So, let us place our thoughts on what is above, that which is eternal, and not what is temporal.
In this storm we are experiencing, may we find comfort and solace in our unified experiences of each ship’s navigation through the storm. Let us learn from one another and uplift each other. Let us not use this time to destroy with words, but to encourage and uplift those around us. Let us press into our heavenly identity and speak the language of God.
We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them, so do not let fear be your driving force. Let love be the strength from which you operate. Love from our heavenly Father and love from him towards those around us.Â
Let victory be our battle-cry! This pandemic will not be the end of us, but let it be the launching pad that will bring revival to our lands. Let it be the launching pad that will usher in creative and new ventures in our world. Â

Here in Atlanta, where I am from, we have a top-rated popsicle company. This company was birthed by two guys who were laid-off during the 2008 economic crash. When that happened, they could have very quickly given up hope, and to be honest, may have had that moment. Still, they decided to get creative and started mixing flavors you would not usually think of, like Pineapple, Jalapeno flavor popsicle, and Maple, Bacon flavor popsicle, to name a few. This company is very successful and has even splintered off into other endeavors in our community. Â
Let this be a testimony for you, that whatever comes your way, victory is your end-game. God’s DNA lies within us as humans, and if you believe that God cannot fail and that no darkness lies within him, then you must believe that you are designed for success. Failure is a learning experience, not an ultimate end. Â
Do not let your rudder drive yourself or others away from the creator, but use your words to bring healing, hope, and peace to a time in which the world is searching for answers. Let us all remember that Jesus Christ is the answer. He is the author and perfector of our faith.
By Selena Day
Selena Day is a motivational speaker and is available to speak at your conference or event. You may contact her at Photographs courtesy of Selena Day.