I sit on my back porch, listening to the birds, chatting and going about their daily lives. I can hear my neighbors working in their yards, taking advantage of this beautiful day. On the surface, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. I can hear cars driving by and lawnmowers running. If you didn’t know that we were suffering from a pandemic at this moment, you couldn’t tell that the world was confined to their homes. Â
I almost feel like a bear that has been in hibernation. The last time we were out and things felt somewhat normal, it was cold, and today I step outside, and the warmth of spring is enveloping me, giving me hope as I sit and converse with my savior about what my future holds. Â
I am reminded of the scripture in Philippians 4, one of my favs, vs. 8 “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.†(NLT)
I learned many years ago while going through a challenging time to put this scripture into action.Â
I have been accused of not being practical in certain circumstances and that there is a fine line between faith and foolishness. When I married my husband over 30+ years ago, I was a new Christian and was utterly and totally committed to living my life for Jesus. I had no idea what it meant to be in the ministry. I had no idea what it meant to be musical, but because of my covenant relationship with Chuck, we began a journey of living by faith.
It has been a crazy roller-coaster of a ride, but it has taken us places that I never dreamed I would go. I have served and met people that were so different than me, and I have learned that God’s love is more significant than the four walls of my church.Â
So many memories flood my mind, even writing this, too many to share. But, I have learned how critical listening to God is, when the world is so full of loud voices telling a particular narrative. Your safety resides in Him and not in this world. Your provision comes from Him and not in your job. Your joy lies in Him and not in your circumstances.Â
Honestly, so far, through this crazy time in our history, I have had more peace than I have known in a long time. I’m not saying that I haven’t gotten stir crazy or felt depressed. I told a friend just the other day that I had felt as if I had been in training for this for a long time. Â
I believe that verse 6 in Philippians 4 gives us a great key. “Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your life.†(TPT)
Tell him every detail of your life! If you are afraid, tell him; if you hate someone, tell him; if you are angry with him for letting you down, tell him. And then allow yourself to listen. It may not be immediate, but He will give you answers or strategies to make it through. Â
God cares about you and your life. He designed each one of us in a specific unique way, and we are designed to operate in that unique way. When we follow him and learn to become the person he has created us to be, we will see great victories and miracles in our lives.Â
I can only share the stories of my journey to help others understand this, but I would challenge you to sit alone with God and think about your own journey. Where has He shown up? When has he broke through the dark clouds of your storms and shined His light of love?
Let me give you some practical tips on how to do this. First, find a quiet place, and still your mind. Secondly, see God smiling at you. Whatever your image of God, that image is smiling at you. Then just sit as he smiles and know that He loves you so much. Now just listen….
During this time of uncertainty, remember to fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. There have been so many of them. People coming together like never before. Prayers being lifted for not only our county but our world. Revival is breaking out!Â
Seeing these things happen, I am reminded of the prayers we as the church prayed many years ago. We are seeing them unfold right before our eyes. Â

Your focus can be on the sickness, and the fear that comes with it or your focus can be on our great big God and how He is moving during these crazy chaotic days.
By Selena Day
Selena Day is a motivational speaker and is available to speak at your conference or event. You may contact her at selenaday@me.com http://www.queenliving.org http://facebook.com/queenismsbyselenaday. Photographs courtesy of Selena Day.