Over the last six months or so, I have been asked many times (and encouraged many more times) to write a book.  To turn the stories in this blog I write into a book of some sort.  I have never really responded to any of the questions before, but the truth is… I am writing a book.  It is almost finished actually.  But it isn’t filled with blogs that I have written about my wife’s last few months or the posts I wrote about our life for the two years before that, it is a book that covers a life time.
I had always wanted to write a book.  I had even taken a couple meetings with an agent at one of the big publishing houses a few years ago, but in the end… Joey and I weren’t famous enough.  Our “Q†score was too low, they said.  I had to go home and google that phrase to find out what it meant.  (…it is a measurement of the familiarity and appeal of a brand, celebrity, company, or entertainment product used in the United States…the higher the Q Score, the more highly regarded the item or person is among the group familiar with them).
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