Publisher’s Point for September 2019 by Rob Patz
What if I told you…?
What if I told you that I never imagined my life would be exactly the way it is? I felt that I was going to do something completely different with my life, that I would be married, and that I would have kids. I’ll be completely honest: There are nights I have laid in bed and wondered what was wrong with me, and why it didn’t happen the way I wanted it to. But in the end I will tell you that I didn’t imagine this place, but God did.
What if I told you that everything you see on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter really isn’t what is happening? That people place so much in what they see and not what really is the truth?
What if I told you that every year in September when it’s my birthday, I reflect back on my life, and most of the time I’m not happy with any of it. That’s just the truth. Raw truth. I’m sure most of us can say that. As my mom used to say, “Hindsight is 20/20!†So, looking back on what decisions we’ve made during the year, or years past, they are easily dissected in the rearview mirror.
What if I told you that it took until this year for me to be comfortable in my own skin? For me to realize that God created me to be just who I am, for just his plan? I hate to admit it but I’ve always been one of those people for whom appearance was important. What other people thought and other people perceived about who I was, was something I worked on daily. I struggled with the thought that people saw parts of me that I didn’t want viewed. Over these last 12 months, I’ve come to realize that all the parts of me make up who I am, and I need to celebrate who God made me to be.
What if I told you that the blessings God gives you are not for you to keep, but for you to bless those that are less fortunate, whether that be through financial, or mentoring, or just an act of kindness?Â

We live in a society now that stares at their phone more than they stare at their TV. To be honest with you, people spend more time looking at their phones, then they do interacting with other people. I’ve noticed this more and more as I travel.Â
A week ago, I was sitting in a hotel breakfast room, which happens to be one of my favorites. I get to stay there at least once a month. On this morning, I looked around at the other people in the large restaurant area and I realized that no one was really talking except for a cluster of men in the corner, obviously headed off to do sales that day. But other than that, everyone in the room was staring at their phones. What if I suggested that you put the phone down and interact with those people around you? You may just change someone’s day.
What if I told you your dreams aren’t dead, or that they may have just taken a detour in your mind, but not in God’s? I’m amazed how many times in my life I have thought I had blown everything and that God couldn’t put back together everything that I had messed up. But it has been awesome to see how God takes all of the pieces and turns them into something incredible – a mosaic – beautiful, broken pieces put together into an incredible, beautiful picture.

What if I told you it was not by accident that this month that you are reading my Publisher’s Point? What if I told you that God is working in your life in ways that you can’t even imagine, to bring you to the point of the dreams that you’ve always had?

I hope to see you next month in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, for Creekside Gospel Music Convention 2019, Oct. 27- 31, at the Smoky Mountain Convention Center. Contact events@sgnscoops.com for more information.
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