2019 January SGNScoops Publisher’s Point
By Rob Patz
Happy New Year! Starting a new season is a great time to reflect on the terrific friends I have who have walked with me for years, those I have met along the way in the last 12 months, and the new ones I look forward to getting to know in 2019.
Many of you I have met through SGNScoops Magazine, Creekside Gospel Music Convention, Christian Country Expo, Southern Gospel Weekend, or Coastal Media. Though we may have begun as work associates, you have become my friends and many of you have become my prayer partners.
Thank you all for your support and prayers over the last year. Through the good times and the bad, you have been there for me, upholding me with your prayers, words of comfort and texts of support.
I know that 2019 is going to be even better as we follow in the Lord’s steps together. Thank you for your friendship.
God bless you in this brand new year.
I want to invite you to come join us at Southern

Gospel Weekend in Oxford, Alabama, on March 21 – 23, 2019. We will enjoy three great days of gospel music in Alabama. We want you to be there and enjoy worship and fellowship with us!
Also, make plans to be a part of Creekside Gospel Music Convention 2019, Oct. 27 – 31, for five incredible nights and four great days of gospel music in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. We are going to have a terrific time and we want you to be there. Email me for details about either of these events, or how the Lord is changing your life, at rob@sgnscoops.com.
This is the Publisher’s Point for January 2019.
By Rob Patz
For more Gospel Music news Read the latest issue of the SGNScoops Magazine HERE.

Listen To Today’s Gospel Music Here