Publisher’s Point by Rob Patz for SGNScoops Magazine May 2019
I have always said I love this time of year. Everything is new. Flowers are blooming and the sun is out and the grass is growing. So it was fitting for me to make my latest announcement during this time of year. If you haven’t read it yet, I’m going to give you a brief synopsis with some of the story behind it.

As many of you know who follow me on social media I am blessed with the opportunity to be able to travel quite often. In fact, over the last two years I have averaged 115 days on the road and during that time I’ve met so many wonderful people and so many new artists I’m excited about where this industry is going.

This story all begins eight years ago when we launched an event called Creekside. We believed it was going to be a place not only for the Diamond Awards but a place to highlight many of your favorite artists. We learned during that time that there were many new artists coming along that you, our readers, needed to know about, and that helped shape our focus here at the magazine.
I’m excited to tell you that over the next two years, our company will be launching convention-style events in 12 states. It will be a large undertaking, one that cannot be done by just a few people. I’m excited to say God has assembled a great team of people. Do we have everybody we need? No, but we have the core.

Four years ago God gave me this vision and at the time I didn’t see how it could ever be accomplished. In fact, I talked about it a lot and then, like most of us do, I parked what I believe was my idea. God kept reminding me of it and early this year, during a time of prayer, God clearly told me I needed to move.
I believe we are at an exciting time in our industry as we watch new growth with new artists. I truly believe that growth will happen at the grassroots; at the church down the street, at the high school in the next town over. I believe that as you read this if you are an artist, you’re part of this movement. If you are a fan, you’re part of this movement. if you’re a pastor who loves this music, you’re a part of this movement. I need you, I need your help, whether that is through prayer or through volunteer help. I need you. I can’t do this move without you.

If you didn’t get a chance to read the press release, another exciting part of this is the acquisition of the Gospel Music Expo in Tupelo, Mississippi. I want you to be a part of this event, next year in April. It’s going to be incredible and we are excited to be able to offer this event to our family.
As you read this, I ask that you will pray for me and my entire staff as we move forward.

Come be a part of the event that started all of this, Creekside 2019, in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, October 27 through October 31. For more information, call me at 360-933-0741.
Read the May SGNScoops Magazine Online HERE