I was part of a radio interview recently and was asked by the DJ what my vision was for 2020. It took me a minute to really gather my thoughts, but I wanted to share with you much of what I saw as a vision for 2020, concerning SGNScoops Magazine and Coastal Events.
More than anything in 2020, I want to lead more people to Christ. I want them to know my personal Savior. I want them to realize that they’re not in this world alone, that the hurt that they’re going through, the worry they have, the loneliness they feel, can all be answered by one man; and they can be comforted in knowing that he has everything under control.
That’s the first thing. The second thing is I want to watch this industry grow. I want to be a part of that growth and I want to be a cheerleader for those artists that are looking to see their ministries expand. I believe we live in a time where our industry needs to look back to its roots, back to a time when the local church was very important. My desire is to introduce new people who are not in our current demographic to our music. I believe it can be a life-changing, encouraging music, and the words are truly the message of salvation.
My third vision for 2020, is to see the growth of events nationwide in our industry. We are excited about Ohio and Michigan and Tupelo, Mississippi. We’re excited about events we haven’t even been able to talk to you about yet.
As we move into the second month of the new year, it is important that we realize that everything we do should be tied to what God has called us to do. I believe everyone of us has a mission and I strongly encourage you to pray and seek out what that mission is that God has for you to do this year. I also want to ask you at this time if you’re interested in volunteering to be part of our team for events or behind the scenes work with the magazine. I encourage you to email me rob@sgnscoops.com.
I look forward to seeing you next month in Oxford, Alabama, at Southern Gospel Weekend, March 19 – 21. We are going to have an incredible time. If you have not been to Oxford, Alabama, and you have not attended Southern Gospel Weekend, please make plans now to join us.
Until next time, this is the Publisher’s Point.
By Rob Patz