Publisher’s Point by Rob Patz
The month of June means that summer has started and Father’s Day is upon us. For the first few years after my dad had passed away, I avoided Father’s Day the best I could.
People tell you that with time things fade, but that isn’t true. With time, you realize that you need to celebrate what you once had. I celebrate my father, the legacy that he left, and the mission that he instilled inside of me. My father taught me that serving others was a much higher calling than any other profession. Over the last 25 years, I’ve spent my life helping ministries create content and opportunities, so I’m thankful for what he imprinted on my heart and on my life.

I miss my dad every day, and over the last few months, I wish I had him here to bounce these new ideas off of because he would be all over it.
Last month I gave you a little insight about my plan. This month, I can tell you more. I am excited to talk about Michigan in June 2020. The exact dates are June 4 – 6, 2020, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Over the last few weeks, I’ve had an opportunity to talk with artists from this region, to hear their heart, and to understand what they desire to do in our industry.
I truly believe that this is part of a grassroots movement. These 12 events we are planning will be regionalized and will help to equip and uplift artists and fans alike.
Somebody said it sounded like I was running for president, and that’s kind of what this is like. We are going to barnstorm these 12 states over the next two years and introduce them to gospel music if they don’t know what it is or reinforce the fact that they love this music and need to be a part of it again.

My dad would be on the front row of all 12 of these events over the next two years, and he would be cheering each artist on; encouraging not only me but everyone around him. My dad believed in small beginnings leading to great success. He used to tell me that you have to start somewhere. So three months ago I started and I will tell you that I am boggled by what we’ve seen. People like you reaching out and saying, “Rob, I want to help,” or artists saying, “I want to stand beside you and attend these events.”
Over the next two years, as we roll out these yearly events, is it going to be easy? No, but I truly believe deep in my heart that this is the direction that God is leading me.
I want to ask you to pray for me. Pray for the artists, pray for the staff that I have, and pray for the volunteers.

I truly believe that this can not only be a time of encouragement and uplifting through music, but also an opportunity to witness to those that are lost. That to me is the most important thing: To reach those that are lost.
See, the largest part of the legacy that my father left for me was a heart to reach those who didn’t know Christ, who didn’t have a relationship like you and I do. This month of June, if your father is still with you, hug him tight and tell him how much you love him. If, like me, your dad has already entered the gates of heaven, think about him and cherish the moments you had together, and, like me, carry out his legacy.

Hey, we’d love for you to come to the event that started all of these events, Creekside 2019, Oct. 27 – 31. If you need a hotel room, please don’t hesitate to call me at 360 933 0741. If you need VIP tickets, you can also reach me and I can get you all set up.
Until next month, this is the Publishers Point by Rob Patz
Read the June SGNScoops Magazine Online HERE