John 8:36 “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Jesus came to bring us freedom.
I think we hear more about freedom during the month of July because of the Fourth of July, and I believe it also makes us think more about freedom. There are many in our world who want us to be free from everything. Unfortunately, there is a cost for freedom.
Clearly, the cost of freedom in our country includes those men and women who sacrificed their lives in service for our country, no matter what the war or conflict, or even during peacetime; those that chose to protect us and our freedom and lost their lives, are one cost of our freedom.
I truly believe as Christians we live in freedom, but this freedom has a cost, too.
To live free from sin means we have to sacrifice things that in the world we would see as appealing. I’m sure each and every one of us have struggled daily with things of this world that have appealed to us, but we realized that the bondage that comes with the sin takes away our freedom. It takes away the simple joy that we can have and the freedom that we can experience in our lives if we submit to what God has for us.
Now, is it going to be easy, or is it going to always be fine? No, but if we want to live in the dimension of freedom that I think every one of us craves as Christians, it means we have to live within the boundaries the Bible sets up for us. There’s always a roadmap, there’s always decisions to make, and there’s no such thing as freedom without a cost.

Let me encourage you today. You may be in a place in your life where you’ve chosen things that have now put you in a state of bondage. You’ve chosen things that now control you instead of you controlling them. I encourage you today to return to Christ. He is willing to break those chains and give you the opportunity to live free. Freedom has a cost. I think the cost is worth it.
Hey everybody, I want you to join me for Creekside 2019, on Oct. 27 – 31, in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. This year, it’s not just one event but two, as we add Christian Country at the Creek, Oct. 30 and 31. If you need a hotel room, this year we are excited to have two options for our attendees. Please give me a call at 360 933 0741 or email events@sgnscoops.com.

truly believe this year is going to be a year of freedom at Creekside, and I want you to come and experience that in person. We are excited to have added Bill Bailey and Josh Franks as preachers on Monday and Tuesday. Come experience what God has for you during a great week in Pigeon Forge, Tenn.

By Rob Patz