Pray For Robb Tripp

Dear friends and family,
We are so overwhelmed and thankful by the amount of love that has been shown to us through the toughest battle we have ever faced. We truly are grateful to be apart of the body of Christ and we cannot thank you all enough.
In February of 2021, the Lord spoke to me and told me to start praying against death so that’s exactly what I did. Not even an hour later, Robb had a minor incident that seemed like no giant problem. Then in May, we found out that Robb had infection in his foot due to the minor issue in February. He was treated for the infection & again believed the no issue was solved.
All throughout this year, the enemy has been attacking our family, trying to shut down or stop our church. The devil’s assignment is ultimately death – but we got the victory and we stand firm in the faith.
The devil has fought us in several ways which leads us to the situation we are in right now with my husband, Robb Tripp.
In August of 2021, we thought we had dealt with the infection, his foot, and all of the mess that comes with that stuff but turns out, the battle was not over, yet. Robb had been extremely weak for the past month or so and we knew something was not right. He went to the doctor and we found out he was anemic, which we figured that’s why he has been so weak so he has been treated & taking iron supplements to help this problem.
Sunday November 7th, we began our Victory Gather Conference (Thank God) at our church with Pastor Greg DeVries & J38 school of ministry. We were praying Fervently for Pastor Robb in every service.
Last Monday, November 8th, 2021, Robb had a doctors appointment to get a iron infusion and the doctor took one look at him and said, “You are being admitted into the hospital immediately.” Robb had been so weak that he needed the extra help in the hospital. The doctors could not find any major problem.
Our family went up to the hospital Monday and he seemed better to us. All of his vitals were positive, his heart was perfect, and his body was normal, we left the hospital that night and waited til morning.
Tuesday, November 9th, 2021, rolls around and this day changed our lives. LaVerne, Edith, Lawson, Hannah, and I, all went up to see Robb and he was doing better Tuesday than we have seen in weeks. He seemed to have strength, he was sitting up, talking, joking, laughing, he was the Robb that we all know and love.
Everyone left at around 2:30pm and we figured all was well. The last words he said to me was, “I am ready to preach.” I gave him a kiss on the cheek and left to let him rest. As I had to be back to the church in a couple hours.
Tuesday, November 9, At 4:45pm, I got a call from the doctor telling me that Robb had went into cardiac arrest and it took them 20 minutes to resuscitate him. The family needs to rush to the hospital immediately to tell Robb our goodbyes.
This was not the phone call I was expecting. Hannah and I hopped in the car and we were on our way. We prayed the whole way there and we canceled EVERY assignment that the enemy had planned. My mind immediately went back to that day in February when the Holy Spirit told me to pray and speak against the spirit of death. I immediately knew this entire year the devil had slowly been trying to kill Robb then finish the assignment this day. I had been praying against this for 9 months now.
When we got to the hospital, Pastor Greg, met us in the lobby. Death was at our door. But God.
All the family & Pastor Greg, went up into the room and prayed for Robb.
We canceled death & called forth life.
Over this past week, we have been praying for resurrection life in Robb’s body and we do NOT receive the report of the doctors. The doctors have been surprised at the progress Robb is making. We know it’s because of all of the prayers that are happening for Robb, literally around the world to see a miracle in his body.
This I know:
This entire year the enemy has failed and he will not win now.
“We will have the best Christmas that we have had in years.” -Bishop Cluet
“Pastor Robb will preach The Awakening. The Best days of The Fire Place Fellowship are here.” -Pastor Marty Layton
“Robb is being awakened because he is apart of the great awakening.” -Nathan & Suzanne Young
“We shall Recover all”- Pastor Aaron Crabb.
“Robb will rise up with a new message for the world”. -James Payne
“This Man of God will rise up greater & stronger.” -Pastor Steve McCuin.
“Robb Tripp your going to LIVE & not die.” – Ted Shuttlesworth
We DO have authority over the devil. We are pushing back the darkness and death because we stand on God’s Word. I am asking for your help.
Because of our push, many will be raised up – get ready, because many will experience Victory. Attacks may come but know that the enemy WILL pay for what he has done to us and to you, as well.
We knew The Tripp Family was loved but we did not know HOW loved until this week. 😭 We will NEVER be able to tell you all thank you enough for the prayers, the phone calls, the texts, the food, the gifts, the prophecies, and everything you all have done for us. We are thankful to be apart of the body of Christ because it is the most powerful and precious entity in the entire world.
We are asking to respect our privacy and we ask that you do not ask to come to the hospital at this time due to limited guest allowed to be with us.
We want to thank our church staff and church family…. We Love You!! Thank you, Jonny & Crystal Brown, Matt & Heather Hinson, Jana Hinson, and rest of our amazing team….You all have stood alongside us through the most painful storm we have ever walked through and you have not backed down. 💪🏽 And we know you will Never Give Up. Thank you!
Thank you Pastor DeVries & J38. Your prayers stopped death. I will NEVER forget what you have done for us.
Thank you Steve & Kathy Hannah, Pastor Candy Christmas, Pastors Aaron & Amanda Crabb and many many many others. Thank you Jesus Christ for conquering Death for Robb.
We cannot say thank you enough and how much we love you all. We know that through every battle, there is victory on the other side and that is what we are standing on, believing on, and we know that ALL things are possible with God and we will not be shaken.
*An Update On Robb And How To Help*
Robb has puzzled the doctors at the amount of progress he has been showing and we are truly thankful for that.
The way you can help is PRAY.
Pray Robb wakes up and responds to every command from doctors.
Pray for the breath of God to blow all throughout Robb’s body that he may be able to get up and walk out of that hospital now!
Our God is the God of miracles and we stand by faith and have the comfort of knowing that Jesus Christ is our firm foundation and we do not stand on anything else.
We thank you, we love you, and we speak blessings over you.
I will post updates daily to this page.
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We have come this far by Faith….
The Best is Yet to Come…..
Blessings 💕
Pastor Shanda Tripp
The Tripp Family