Please pray for Jason Clark of the Nelons. He has been having health issues and is going in for heart surgery this morning.
Jason’s wife, Kelly Nelon Clark, wrote on Facebook this morning:

Update: Jason’s open heart surgery is scheduled for somewhere between 8:00-8:30 am in the morning with Dr. Theresa Luu , Kennestone hospital in Marietta Georgia. We will get off the bus there at 5:30 am. It’s the blue tower I believe. Jason is having his pre-op today and his mother is with him. Please pray for all things concerning this very serious surgery.
We trust the Lord! We have sung about him all of our lives and given our life to Him, now our feet are in action. We believe! Please stand with us and help us any way you can.
Please be in prayer for Jason, the doctors, Kelly, and all of his family.