Faith leaders to hold news conference to discuss Pastor Saeed’s release and continued efforts to fight for religious freedom around the world.
The news conference will be at 2:00 P.M. today, January 16, at 109 2nd St. NE Washington, D.C. (Right behind the Supreme Court)
Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, has been a strong advocate for Pastor Saeed, leading numerous prayer vigils and demonstrations in Washington, D.C. and across the nation, traveling to Turkey to meet with Iranian officials to work for his release, speaking in churches, praying with Pastor Saeed’s wife and family and working with members of Congress.
Rev. Patrick Mahoney states;
“First of all, we thank God for this incredible victory. What an incredible and glorious day for Pastor Saeed, Naghmeh, their two precious children and his entire extended family. We rejoice that he will soon be home free to live his Christian faith without intimidation, persecution and harassment.
“We thank the millions around the world who prayed daily for his release and worked passionately for his release and stood as a loud voice for religious freedom and the persecuted church around the world. We also thank the Obama Administration for their continued efforts in bringing Pastor Saeed home and securing his release.
“In the midst of our celebration however, let us remember the millions of Christians who are still being persecuted, brutalized and tortured for their faith. Let Pastor Saeed’s release inspire the Christian community, President Obama and the free nations of the world to be even a louder and bolder voice for religious freedom and human rights around the world. We can never be silent on these issues.
“We encourage everyone to pray for the Abedini family as Saeed returns home and they move forward with their lives.”
Rev. Rob Schenck, President of Faith and Action, adds;
“The Bible says ‘Rejoice with those who rejoice.’ We are rejoicing with Pastor Saeed and his family. I am also grateful for all those who prayed and worked very hard behind the scenes–even taking great risks to bring about this wonderful day.
“I will also tell a story untold to date about a particular high-ranking public official that did more than others to move forward Pastor Saeed’s release.”