Once again, fear has struck not only our country, the United States, but also other countries all across the world. Again, all over the world, people have been thrown into chaotic situations with their very lives at stake. The worry over their future has left them looking up with outstretched arms, with a show of trouble, stress, perplexity and despair.
Second Timothy chapter 1, verse 7, has been quoted, tweeted, posted on Facebook and preached about for several weeks.
I ask the readers: “Are you living in fear, or are you walking by faith?”
Yes, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind. I believe that with every part of me, but deep down inside, there is that thing called fear that is still alive and well and still pops its ugly head up.
It still knows that it has the power to do so, thus robbing its victims of the peace of God that passes all understanding.
So, where does this leave the children of God during this time in our lives?
I really feel that if it leaves us in a great position to let the love of God, his power, his grace, and his mercy, be known more now than ever before.
It is time for this treasure that is embodied in these earthen vessels, and the gift of God, to be stirred up. We must get ahold of our faith and realize that we have not been forsaken, nor will we ever be.
We must know that even though we have been cast down and thrown to the ground, we have not been destroyed. The destroyer, Satan, has no power over the child of the living God nor will he ever have that power!
Child of God, carry your salvation and safety with glory in your soul, so that the Lord Jesus is seen and known in every part of your life. Choose your faith over your fears and keep marching on through this world in the power of almighty God.
In the words of Matthew West, “We are almost home!†And always remember that he is the God who stays! Â

Assistant Pastor
Oakland Avenue Baptist Church
2823 East Oakland Avenue
Johnson City, Tennessee 37601
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