In the past fifteen years plus of traveling, I have learned that change is inevitable. We have been blessed by many talented singers and musicians who have come through the ranks of Mercy’s Well. Each one holds a place in my heart and the hearts of people who support our music and love what we do. That time has once again come for this ministry. Dustin Simmons, who has been with us since the fall of 2013, has accepted a position as a Minister of Music in Georgia. Though we will miss him and his voice, we are very happy for Dustin and his wife, Morgan, as this places him very close to his family and even closer to his wife’s family. As anyone who travels knows, the miles and the time away from home is the hardest part of what we do. We wish them the absolute best and we thank Dustin for his contributions to Mercy’s Well!
Just prior to Dustin’s exit from Mercy’s Well, we also said goodbye to Josh Simpson who has traveled and played piano here since leaving the Hoppers in 2013. Josh added much to what we do from a stage standpoint and we will certainly miss the “live” aspect of an instrumentalist. After more than 10 years on the road, Josh has decided to leave the road and move back to his home in Alabama to utilize his talents in a new way at a church near his family.
What does this mean for Mercy’s Well? We will continue to do what we believe God has called this ministry to do until He instructs otherwise. Change is always challenging, but each time God sends just the right person for the job. I have no doubt this time will be any different! We appreciate your prayers and support of this ministry and what we do! We love you all and look forward to seeing you on the road soon.
Brad Strider
Mercy’s Well