The North Louisiana Quartet Convention, nestled in beautiful North Louisiana and as some would say “Duck Dynasty Country,†started with a vision from Brother David Estep. He envisioned an annual event where groups would gather and sing Southern Gospel music lifting up the name of Jesus. Since then, his vision has become reality as groups gather every year, this year making six consecutive years, becoming an event that groups look forward to with anticipation.
The Convention has been held at First Baptist Church of Swartz in Swartz,

Louisiana, since 2009. FBC of Swartz has been the kind lenders of their facility since the event began. The NLQC starts on Friday night at 6:00 pm, then after all groups are finished performing they go into the reception hall to eat food that has been prepared by many church members. Brother David’s father and mother and David’s wife Carol Estep contribute much to the preparation of the food. On Saturday, the groups sing again at 2:00 pm. Following this, groups go to the reception hall for the largest meal of the event, Louisiana cuisine; usually Red Beans and Rice prepared by David’s parents, Chicken and Sausage Gumbo prepared by Mr. Al Drummond, and Crawfish. As some Louisianan’s would say “bon appetite†meaning “I wish you a hearty appetiteâ€.

The convention ends with a grand finale on Saturday evening. The groups wait anxiously knowing this will be their last set of the event. This year’s groups were Heaven Bound from Sikes, La., The Camerons from Sumrall, Misissippi, The Riders from Lumberton, Ms.- theridersministries.com, Majesty III from Crossett, Arkansas – majestyIII.com, Southern Revelation from Monroe, La.- southernrevelationgospel.com, Sanctuary Quartet from Delhi, La.- sanctuaryquartet.com, Brothers In Christ from Monroe, La.- bncministries.com, Chronicle from Holden, La.-chroniclegospelgroup.com and host group New Liberty Quartet from Swartz, La.- newlibertyquartet.com.

The groups display their product, giving listeners an opportunity to purchase their music if so desired. David Estep, Bass Singer for host group “New Liberty Quartet†and the originator of NLQC loves this event and desires for it to be the best that it can be. He will listen to demos and consider new groups for this event. For group consideration, please contact David Estep (318) 366-5252. There are no admission fees to the event, thanks to many sponsors who contribute. A love offering is taken.
Article written by Missy Kinchen of Chronicle