Mrs. Amy D. Oxenrider is the newest member of the SGNScoops team and we are pleased to present her first devotional article here. A former member of the ‘Riders, Amy continues to sing and has also taken on several speaking engagements. She continues her ministry through writing articles, speaking at revivals, conferences, and one-on-one counseling. The Sweet Water article will be written monthly by Amy, and she will also be conducting live interviews throughout the country, keeping everyone up to date on their favorite artist. Amy, we are pleased to have you as a member of the SGNScoops family.
Sweet Water by Amy Duncan Oxenrider
According To Your Faith
Imagine a woman sitting in her home day after day wishing she could be normal. An illness prevents her from engaging with her peers and family because she is considered unclean. She has no control. She has spent all of her money on herbs and rituals in hopes of being healed so she could be normal.
She sits thinking to herself, “What do I have now? I’m still sick and have no money for medicine. I am bound to my home, away from friends and family. How long will I have to suffer? How long will I be isolated form society?â€
As she sits feeling hopeless, she hears through her small window the crowd becoming excited. She walks closer hoping to hear the cause of the commotion.
Then she hears the name “Jesus.â€
She remembers what she has heard about this mysterious man they call “Teacher,†“Son of David,†and “Healer.†“Is it true he has so much power,†she says to herself. “Could it be possible that he could actually heal my disease?â€
Suddenly, without a second thought, she grabs her cloak, wraps it tightly around her upper body and rushes out the door. She begins to follow the crowd but soon realizes she is not the only one that’s heard Jesus is in town. There are so many people running towards him, will she ever make it before he is out of reach?
She sees him from a distance but can’t seem to get close enough to ask him for help. He begins to walk further away and the crowd is getting thicker. She thinks this is her one and only chance and she is not going to let him get away from her. She pushes, steps over the fallen, presses her way through the crowd but he is still too far ahead of her.
She thinks to herself, “This man has so much power, if I can only touch his cloak, I will be well.â€
Again, she becomes more and more determined to make her way to him. Finally, she gets close enough to touch the very edge of his cloak. She falls on the ground and reaches between others to touch the very hem of his garment.
Jesus stops.
He turns and looks to her, asking, “Who touched me?â€
She knew he was referring to her. Scared and timid, she quietly says, “It was I.â€
Jesus did not have to ask her what was wrong or why she felt the needed to touch him, he already knew. He saw the faith she had in him and loving said, “Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you.â€
She was instantly healed. After twelve years of suffering, it all went away once the Healer spoke.
One thing I would like for you to notice: Jesus told the woman that her faith was the reason for her healing. We can pray and pray and pray 24/7, but if we do not have the faith that God is able and willing to answer us when we call on him, our prayers will be in vain.
In the same chapter of Matthew 9, Jesus told two blind men, “According to your faith will it be done to you.†He did not say your mother’s or father’s faith, he said your faith. These blind men believed and were healed. The woman with the blood disease had enough faith in Jesus that she would do anything to get to him. What was her result? Healing. According to her faith, she was healed. Remember, for twelve years this woman was considered untouchable.
Isn’t it amazing that our Savior can change a situation that seems unending in less than a second? Immediately, she was healed. Immediately, our bad situations can change when we touch Jesus, knowing he is able to take care of us.
When we completely submit to his will, giving our future to him and being led by his sweet Holy Spirit, the changes that we will see take place in lives will be amazing.
In times of desperation, don’t worry about the correct way to reach God, just reach him. That’s all that matters.
According to your faith will it be done to you.
God Bless You All
By Amy D. Oxenrider

More on Amy Oxenrider:
Amy was raised in a conservative Christian home, being one of two children of Reverend Grant and Shelia Duncan. She and her sister were on the stage singing as soon as they were old enough to hold a microphone. This legacy continues to be passed on through Amy to her three sons. She has recently signed with Green Family Ministry Promotions as a solo artist and will be sharing the love of Christ wherever the doors may open. Amy has also signed with Holland Management Productions (HMP) as a model. Understanding that beauty is not standard, it is Amy’s desire to express to women that we are all created in the image of God and are beautiful in his sight.
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