The Lunch I Will Never Forget By Kelly Nelon Clark

kelly 2Just recently Amber and I were having lunch at one of my favorite places to eat, Shillings on the Square of Marietta, Georgia. We had the greatest waiter whose name was Ed. He was so personable and began to share his story with us.

Ed’s parents were from Russia and he began to tell us all about his family and how he grew up. He spoke about how his parents worked 12-15 hours a day to barely put food on the table for the family. You could tell as he relayed it to us that it was close to his heart. His eyes welled up with tears as he said they would stand for hours in line waiting for potatoes and water. When they got the chance to move to America, he said they cried the first time they went to a grocery store because they had never seen so much food. They walked and walked all the aisles of the store and were amazed.

As Ed shared his story, I couldn’t help but think about how we take so much for granted and how thankful we should be for everything God has blessed us with. I am thankful to live in the United States with all of our freedoms and I am also thankful to live in the land of plenty.

My prayer is for God to remind me every day to thank Him for my life, my career, my friends and family. Most importantly, I never want to take for granted His sacrifice for me. I’m thankful that God arranged for my path to cross with Ed’s at the restaurant. I think that was God’s way of reminding me of His many blessings. My prayer is that you will take a minute and thank Him too.

Kelly Nelon Clark writes monthly for SGN Scoops digital magazine. For the current magazine and Kelly’s July devotional, click on to