In these uncertain times, there is a refuge. In these uncertain times, there is truth. In these uncertain times, there is power.
A couple of weeks ago, I got up in the morning to go to work. It was unusually warm for March, but it was exciting because I knew it meant spring weather was coming. Flowers were getting ready to bloom. I could see the barest hint of green unfolding in the woods surrounding my house. Awakening after the darkness of winter, it was a promise of a better day.
And then the news came. COVID-19 was spreading throughout our country. Our state closed schools, restaurants, and then all nonessential business. It seemed like in the blink of an eye things were completely different. The lightheartedness I felt that morning was gone. Yes, I was dealing with fear. If I’m being honest, it was causing anxiety like I hadn’t had for years. I knew God was in control. I knew that this didn’t take him by surprise. And yet, like many others, fear of the unknown loomed ahead.
I started reading Psalm 91 everyday, recollecting the many times in the past God has protected me. I would remind myself that God is my refuge and my fortress. He is my shield and my buckler. He would cover me with his feathers the way a mama bird would protect her babies. But why are Christians still dying?
And then I read verse 5: “You shall not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flies by day;†Wait, God, did you just command me to not be afraid of things I can’t see coming? God knew that we would be surprised in life by things we cannot see. God knew that terror would strike our hearts. He simply said don’t be afraid. Trust me.
We are afraid because we fear the unknown. But the unknown to us is not unknown to God. Psalm 91:4 says, “His truth shall be your shield and buckler.†Those are weapons of warfare. Not just the shield and the buckler which remind us that he always goes before us into battle, but his truth. His truth. His truth.
Here is the truth: Your mind is Satan’s battlefield. Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Satan terrorizes using fear. God loves us and protects us. Sometimes God lowers the hedge. But God will never leave us or forsake us. Never. If we focus on God and not the news, if we focus on God and not on the way we feel, if we focus on God and not on what our friends think, we will begin to feel peace. We will begin to feel safe, hidden in the shadow of the Almighty – tucked beneath his wings.
The only one who knows the beginning from the end is our Creator. The truth is that he has created me for a purpose. He has created you for a purpose. God led Israel out of captivity. God kept David from being killed by Saul. God shut the mouths of the lions against Daniel. Nobody walks through life free from trials. And nobody walks through life free of fear. The difference is remembering what is truth.
The next time you are feeling afraid, open up the Bible, and let it envelop you like a mama bird envelops her young. Find the peace and security that only God can provide. God is your buckler. God is your refuge. God is your truth. And in that knowledge, there is great power.
Maybe those spring plants aren’t just here to remind us that winter is over, but maybe they are also here to remind us that no matter how bleak things may seem, God has promised us better days just ahead.

By Kristen Stanton
Kristen Stanton is a dynamic singer, speaker, and writer. From discussions on Facebook, to live concerts on any stage, Kristen’s main focus is to share her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. She says: “I was saved when I was four years old. I’ve been in church my whole life. I went to a Christian college. I don’t have the experiences of walking away from God and how He brought me back. But I do have the experience of how God continuously reveals Himself to me… of how He answers prayer. I want people to understand who God is so that they can be more of a reflection of Him. My goal is to help others see God in a way that meets every need in their life.”
Following a trio of No. 1 songs from her debut project, “Destiny by Design,†Kristen recently released her second solo project, “Love As Jesus Loves†and is currently writing songs for her new album. Kristen is also an Attorney-at-Law, serving clients in Northwest Ohio.
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