Declares Southern Gospel Music Week during Sneed Family Homecoming
Frankfort, Kentucky –The Kentucky Senate and House has issued a citation declaring this week “Southern Gospel Music Week” in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The citation was presented to the Sneed Family at their annual Homecoming event held tonight at the Cave City Convention Center in Cave City, KY.
Rep. Steve Riley of the 23rd District representing Barren and parts of Warren County made the presentation on behalf of himself and Sen. David Givens, Senate District 9.

The citation was issued to help the Commonwealth to be aware of the heritage and deep roots this type of music has embedded in the hearts of the citizens.
The citation further reads:
“The message of hope and salvation this music brings has influenced the lives of many with great joy and has inspired people with the encouragement needed to handle the trials that life presents each one of us.â€
“We are honored that members of the KY legislature would take the time to acknowledge the artists and musicians who touch our lives with the message of salvation through Southern Gospel Music,” said Jeff Sneed, leader and patriarch of the Sneed Family.
The Sneed Family hosted the Primitive Quartet, the Inspirations, and the Singing Cookes at their annual Homecoming concert.
The Sneed Family is a favorite to their southern Kentucky fans. They provide an honest worship experience while providing encouragement.
Watch for them on stage as well as on television with their production of “Sneed Family Music.” The program is seen in over one million homes each week. The Sneed Family brings music, and interviews from the best in Southern Gospel Music.
For more information on the Sneed Family, visit sneedfamily.com