To The Girl Who Made A Mistake
Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. (Isaiah 43:18)
We all make mistakes. One time within the span of four weeks I had gotten myself locked out of a house, scratched the whole driver’s side of my car, and broke the side mirror. I know those aren’t big mistakes but when you make mistakes you can say I’ve learned my lesson, I’m sorry, and I’ll move on from this.
So today, ask God for forgiveness from whatever mistakes you’ve made. It can be big or small and he’ll still forgive you. It will bring you more freedom than you can ever imagine.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8
A Message From Katelyn:
I’m a high school senior that lives in Meridian, MS. I want to show girls through my blog that they aren’t alone and that someone understands what they’re going through. I am excited about so many doors God has opened up for me. You can contact me at Katelyn-Dyess@comcast.net
I’d love to speak at your next youth event.
We are thrilled to have Katelyn Dyess on the SGNScoops website. Read more of Katelyn’s blogs To The Girl  HERE.
For more Gospel Music News, read the latest issue of the SGNScoops Magazine HERE.