First off, we have a cover story of one of the Crabb Family. Adam Crabb is a soloist, as well as being a member of the Gaither Vocal Band. As you read about his life, I hope you see Adam’s big beautiful heart, which has been made and moulded by God.
We have so many other great artists that we also are highlighting in this issue, including the great Guy Penrod, the top-notch Jerry Sally, and those Christian Country artists with the comedic flair, Sunday Drive. Be sure you don’t miss the stories on Dallas Rogers, Beyond Grace, and Mary Burke. All of this, plus the DJ Spotlight, the Publishers Point, the SGNScoops charts, and the new release reviews. And there’s even more, so be sure not to miss one page.
Special thanks to all of our wonderful writers, creative/design staff, and editorial group for the hard work and time commitment that you give to SGN Scoops every month. You are so appreciated!
The main thing we hope that you read in this month’s issue, is the artists’ commitment to the Lord, their heart for ministry, and their ability to communicate what God has done in their life. If you are unable to see what God has done in your life, feel free to email me. Let’s chat about faith! My email address is lorraine@sgnscoops.com
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