Over the past several years, after accepting the calling on my life to preach the Gospel, I’ve wrestled within myself to step out on my own, following the Lord in the direction he would have me go. Through that period of time, I’ve said no, I’ve tried to reject the notion that the Holy Spirit was leading me into evangelistic ministry, and all but ran from any open doors the Lord would open for me. I’ve lived in my “comfort zone†for so long that I was content where I was at. But within the last few months, the Lord has revealed Himself in such mighty ways; answering prayers for our family and opening doors that we had no choice but to walk through. As we sat back and watched the Lord worked within our family, it became apparent that He was waiting on me to take the first step of faith, in obedience to his Word, so that He could use me and my family in ministry together. We live in a world of chaos and despair. Everyone searching to fill the empty void inside them that only the Holy Spirit can fill. While we as Christians send a majority of our missionaries overseas to other nations, our country is crumbling to ruins. Jennifer and I feel its time to follow the Lord, step out on faith and become missionaries to our great nation! Our heart is to lead the lost to a loving Savior, and disciple them in truth and biblical teachings. To go into churches; preaching, and singing to hurting people who need the message of hope that Jesus will never leave them nor forsake them.
The children of Israel couldn’t see what was in front of them when they were set free from Pharos’ bondage, but they had faith and took the first step…and the Lord parted the red sea for them to walk across on dry ground. That is where we are at now. We have taken the first step, and we are watching as the Lord is parting the red sea for us to walk across.
So, as I transition from being a quartet man, spending the last 8 years on the road with one of the top quartets in the nation, it is with a humbled heart that I announce a new ministry: Peace Ministries; preaching, singing, missionary and evangelistic work throughout the United States. We will also be putting together couple’s, men, women and teen retreats, sharing our testimonies; individually and together, of how the Lord has delivered us and worked through us, and how he can do the same for others!
We are currently working on putting our website, Facebook and Twitter accounts together so that we can be available to those in need and for everyone to keep up with the ministry, as well as filing for a 501c3 non-profit status, to accommodate the necessary requirements for ministry funding and to be able to be an outreach to those in need.
We are available for Wednesday, Saturdays, and Sunday Services, revivals and retreats, to minister through song and the preaching of the Word.
If you are interested in having Peace Ministries, we are now scheduling for this year. You can contact us through our e-mail: jeremyandjenniferpeace@gmail.com or call/text at: 706-766-9216
We ask that everyone pray for our families as we move forward with the Lord as our guide. Pray now that people will be touched, lived changed, souls saved, and our nation reached through this new ministry. It’s time to STAND and BOLDLY proclaim the Gospel of Christ.