The Isaacs brand new CHRISTMAS DVD is releasing in two weeks. You can pre-order it now.
$18.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling for the DVD only.
Or, get a DVD and our Christmas CD for only $25.00 plus $3.00 shipping. $28.00 for both items.
This is a Limited time offer.
This would make a Great CHRISTMAS present for that someone special on your list.
We can also autograph and send to your loved ones in time for Christmas
Order the DVD only – $18.00 plus $3.00 S&H
Order the DVD & CD – $25.00 plus $3.00 S&H
This special features songs from their latest Christmas CD The Isaacs Christmas as well as impromptu performances by the Isaacs and their families. You’ll get to know each of their personalities as they tell stories, read scriptures, go shopping, cook Christmas dinner and share their annual traditions for both Christmas and Hanukkah.
You can learn more about the Isaacs at http://www.theisaacs.com or https://www.facebook.com/
You can book the Isaacs through the Harper Agency at http://www.harperagency.com orinfo@harperagency.com or call 615-85-4500.
About The Isaacs
The Isaacs, a multi-award winning family group who began singing 30 years ago, are based out of Nashville, TN . The vocalists are Lily Isaacs, Ben Isaacs, Sonya Isaacs Yeary and Rebecca Isaacs Bowman. Playing their own acoustic instruments and joined by other band members, The Isaacs have a unique style that blends tight, family harmony with contemporary acoustic instrumentation that appeals to a variety of audiences. Their musical influences emerge from all genres of music including bluegrass, rhythm and blues, folk, and country, contemporary acoustic and southern gospel. They perform frequently at the Grand Ole Opry, are active members on the Gaither Homecoming Videos and Concert Series and travel throughout the year performing internationally. Concert venues include civic centers, auditoriums, arenas, fair grounds, parks, churches and other locations. They have performed the National Anthem for many sporting events, including a Cincinnati Bengal’s football game, several Nashville Predators Hockey games, an Astros/ Braves pre-season baseball game as well as various political gatherings. They also received a standing ovation for their patriotic performance at Carnegie Hall.