Steve and Metha Dover are two very special people who have suffered greatly with the passing of their son Noah this past May. Shortly after, Steve lost his job that supported their family. Â Yet Steve and Metha have not wavered in their faith and love toward the Savior and remain faithful to the call in music ministry (Clearvision qt )
1Cor.13:2 says….”And though I have the gift of prophesy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing”
God’s Word is most powerful and is speaking to our hearts today! It is sharper than a two edged sword!
This word “charity” is the nature of true Christian love! For it simply means… “Love” it is generosity and helpfulness toward the suffering.
I can think of no greater opportunity to exercise God’s word and show our Love to Steve, Metha and kaylee, than to support this special evening with our presence and giving!
Pat Barker will be the emcee and quotes…”One of the greatest joys of traveling is meeting so many wonderful people. There is also that rare occasion when you meet someone who has a life changing affect on you. That was the case with Noah! What an incredible honor to be part of such a special evening!
So come and be blessed with music provided by BROKEN VESSELS, FROM THE ASHES, EXODUS, CAPSTONE QT and CLEARVISION Â QT. Â A night of southern gospel music you certainly don’t want to miss!