The Mark Trammell Quartet is our cover story this month and we are happy to present their story of God’s faithfulness and love, written by Justin Gilmore. Mark Trammell is a great example of dedication, perseverance and excellence in his field.
The month of love would not be complete without some romance, which Jennifer Campbell presents in the story of Jeff and Sheri Easter and their family. Other artists featured include Rhonda Vincent, Fayth Lore, Jimmy Reno, Kirsten Alting, and DJ Tom Rusk. Read
SGN Scoops Magazine HERE
Don’t miss the story of the Turn Around Church by guest author Lynn Whiteley. This edition is bursting with music reviews, Coastal Events Update, radio charts and the Publisher’s Point.
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We hope you have caught a glimpse of the love of Jesus through the pages of this issue, his grace and mercy, and the special gift he has for you. Be sure to write to us if you want to know more.
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