Fast Five with Chronicle….


Recently, We got to talk with Chronicle gospel group and we asked them five questions. We call this “Fast Five.” Enjoy!

1.Tell us about Chronicle.
Our group is Chronicle, we are a Southern Gospel group based out of Holden, La.
2. Tell us about your radio single.
“Army of One” is our current radio single, we chose this song because we want all to know that He is in charge and will fight our battles, if we just give it to Him!
3.What is the group’s favorite place to eat?
Waffle House would have to be Chronicle’s pick for favorite restaurant, because it is open 24 hours. 🙂
4.Share your testimony?
Missy’s Testimony-
Adopted at 6 weeks old into a God fearing family. My Grandmother really took time to teach me of this man Jesus. I grew up and kinda strayed away, got married and then was having my first and only son. In the delivery room I prayed very hard and asked The Lord to let all be ok with him and I would serve Him and raise my child for Him. I had a healthy baby boy, God answered my prayers. A couple of years went by and I had not kept my promise I made to Him. One night while lying in my bed, The Lord reminded me of what I told Him. I cried and repented and told him that I would start and from that day forth I have served the Lord and I raised my son in church. He grew up to be a great drummer. For years I was too shy to sing and only cleaned the church. I remember many times quoting the scripture ” I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. He has been my strength and my courage.
Greg’s Testimony- I was born into a conservative Baptist home. I can remember going to church as early as 5 years old. At 12 I walked the isle and was baptized. Shortly after that I became music director for my church. After I got married at age 20 I still went to church but I began doing my own thing. Such that I began missing church from time to time. At age 28 I became very ill. I went to every Dr. to find out what was wrong. As far as they could see I was as healthy as I could be, but something was wrong. On August 25th of 1994, God revealed to me I only had a “head knowledge of Him”. That day I gained a “Heart Knowledge of Him”. The next Sunday I made it public and was soon Baptized. Several months later God extended the calling on my life to spread the gospel through evangelistic music and that calling is still on my life today.
Tim’s Testimony- I was born to God fearing Parents in south Louisiana. My parents, my brother, and myself were devoted to the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as far back as I can remember.Though never ordained as such, ministry became a natural part of our existence. My brother and I were very passionate about music so, of course we gravitated towards the musical side of ministry. Tragically my Mom passed away at 52 shortly before my 16th birthday. This loss began causing bitterness to rise up in my heart and not long after I began dabbling with drugs and alcohol. Many times I can look back and see the protecting hand of the Lord at work as I began to place myself in dangerous situations. At 21 years of age He gave me a wife that would soon become a devoted Woman of God and she would begin to encourage me to find my way back to him. We were blessed with an incredibly talented son who, till this day, plays his music for the glory of God. And now the cycle starts over as him and his wife raise a son of their own. In thirty years of marriage my wife and I can truly say, “My God is Faithful”.
5. What is the goal of the future for Chronicle?
To spread the message of Jesus and what He can do for them to all,  Is our goal for the future. As the song goes ” As long as I have breath I will praise The Lord”.
6.What is your contact information?
Contact Chronicle:
Greg Sullivan 985-507-9432
Tim Kinchen 225-270-6192