Nathan Kistler of Hope To The Hill in Washington DC has been publishing prays from many religious and political leaders for the last month, during a series entitled 30 Days Of Prayer for the Nation. Many of these we have shared with you here on SGNScoops website.
Today, Mr. Kistler writes, “We are so excited to bring this wonderful guest to you in Prayer today. Dr. Ravi Zacharias is the leading apologist for our faith today. When we approached him about

doing a video for the #30daysofprayer, we were not sure if he would be able, but thankfully he did so quickly. Please join Dr. Zacharias in prayer for day 29, and join us here tomorrow on election for day 30.”
We need God in this land once again to move in a way only He can.

If you value prayer, please watch, pray along and share this video. If you have missed any of these videos, please visit and like the Hope To The Hill Facebook page to pray along and get updates on the prayer initiative. You can also visit the Hope To The Hill website for more information on this ministry.

Join us tomorrow, here on SGN Scoops or on the Hope To The Hill Facebook page as we continue praying for the Nation and the Election.
You can contact Hope To The Hill at 202-770-7300 or email Nathan at Nathankistler@gmail.com. For more on Hope To The Hill, click on the website.
Nathan Kistler is a monthly columnist with SGNScoops magazine.
About Ravi Zacharias
Ravi Zacharias is a noted author and speaker who has been invited to present the claims of the Judeo-Christian worldview on university campuses, in halls of government, and numerous forums around the world for 44 years. He has addressed writers of the peace accord in South Africa, the president’s cabinet and parliament in Peru, military officers at the Lenin Military Academy and the Center for Geopolitical Strategy in Moscow as well as students at Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and elsewhere.
Dr. Zacharias has twice spoken at the Annual Prayer Breakfast at the United Nations, which marks the opening day of the UN General Assembly, and has also addressed National Prayer Breakfasts at the seats of government in Ottawa, Canada, and London, England. As the 2008 Honorary Chairman of the National Day of Prayer, he gave addresses at the White House, the Pentagon, and The Cannon House.
He is the author of more than twenty books spanning the fields of theology, apologetics, comparative religions, and philosophy. For his lifetime of work, Dr. Zacharias has been conferred with seven honorary doctorates, most recently a Doctor of Public Service and a Doctor of Laws (2016). He hosts the international radio programs Let My People Think and Just Thinking and is Founder and President of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. More here.
Bio courtesy of RZIM.org or http://rzim.org/about/ravi-zacharias/