Pigeon Forge TN – SGN Scoops is pleased to announce the hosts of the 2015 Diamond Awards in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Dr. Jeff Goff and Little Jan Buckner-Goff will be the guest hosts for the awards ceremony to be held on November 3, 2015 during the Creekside Gospel Music Convention at the Smoky Mountain Convention Center.

“Little Jan and I are truly excited to emcee the Diamond Awards program in Pigeon Forge this year, November 3, 2015,” said Dr. Goff recently. “We can hardly wait to see our fellow artists and so many of our Gospel fans at this prestigious event. Mark your calendar and plan to be there with us.”
Coastal Media CEO and publisher of SGN Scoops, Rob Patz, is also excited to have Jerry and Little Jan at Creekside this fall. “The Goffs are known and loved by so many in Southern Gospel, and they have such a way of engaging an audience, that I know this year’s Diamond Awards will be truly special. Please join us for this memorable event!”
Creekside Gospel Music Convention is being held on November 2nd through 5th at Pigeon Forge, and fans are encouraged to reserve their tickets early. For ticket and lodging information, contact Rob Patz at rob@sgnscoops.com or 360-920-4057. For more information visit http://www.creeksidegospelmusicconvention.com/