We at SGNScoops are praying for the entire family
I don’t know where Indy gets her personality from.
Joey says it’s from me.  I’m not sure I believe her.  But no matter… one thing is for sure, our little one has one of the most expressive little faces I’ve ever seen.
I took a trip to Kohls last week and was supposed to buy her a couple of new outfits.  She has grown out of most of her clothes and since it’s getting colder here, she needed some warm things to wear.  I was on a mission.  And I did good until I got to the check-out and saw something on a nearby rack with the word ‘Indiana’ on it.
Somehow what caught my eyes made it’s way into our cart and home with us.
I’m so glad it did.
A day or so later, I sat Indy on Joey’s bed so she could spend a few minutes with her mama.  Joey had had some tough days and the decline of her condition was weighing heavy on her and all of our minds.
But in a matter of minutes, Indy had her mama laughing out loud… Read More Here