Once again, we join Nathan Kistler for Thirty Days of Prayer for the Nation, as we approach Election Day.
We were so honored to have the first African American Chaplain of the US Senate with us the for day 14 that we decided to share his prayer again with you all for day 17. Chaplain Black is one of the finest men I have ever known and folks need to see his prayer! Share it and like it!
Chaplain Black, leads multiple Bible studies every week in the US Capitol Building on top of his primary job of taking care of the 100 senators and those who work for them. I have spent much time in the Chaplain’s office and he has been such a blessing to me. I hope those of you who watch and join in prayer today can get an idea of what that is like.
Thank you Chaplain for joining us in our initiative. Forgive the abrupt ending as the Chaplain did this video on his cell phone. Please share this and join us here or at Hope To The Hill tomorrow for another prayer. We need leaders like the Chaplain who will speak truth and live lives of “Predictable Holiness” as the Chaplain always to me. #30daysofprayer
We need God in this land once again to move in a way only He can.
If you value prayer, please watch, pray along and share this video.
I ask that you take the challenge to pray for 30 days with us. For now however, please #watch, #pray, and #share this prayer with others and join us back here with Hope To The Hill tomorrow for another wonderful #prayer.
Nathan Kistler – 30 Days of Prayer
If you have missed any of these videos, please visit and like the Hope To The Hill Facebook page to pray along and get updates on the prayer initiative. You can also visit the Hope To The Hill websitefor more information on this ministry.
Join us tomorrow, here on SGN Scoops or on the Hope To The Hill Facebook page as we continue each day for a total of 30 days, praying for the Nation, moving toward the election.
You can contact Hope To The Hill at 202-770-7300 or email Nathan at Nathankistler@gmail.com. For more on Hope To The Hill, click on the website.
Nathan Kistler is a monthly columnist with SGNScoops magazine.