(Dalton, Georgia 11/22/11) Friends and Family of Channing Eleton gathered to celebrate the release of his new CD SUMMER RAINS HAVE GONE on Thursday, November 17, 2011. A small crowd consisting of personal friends as well as industry colleagues assembled in Eleton’s personal studio for a special preview. Rhonda Frye, Editor- in- Chief of SGNScoops Magazine, Ken Hicks of Chattanooga’s US101 and Crossroads Executive, Chris White opened the celebration with a few comments regarding the album and Channing’s ministry. Channing performed several selections from SUMMER RAINS HAVE GONE including “Song and Dance,” “The Harvest,” and “Upon This Ridge” as well as a few other tunes.
Channing introduced his family and then sang with his daughters. Eleton comments: “I am overwhelmed by the support and outpouring of love from my friends. It was truly a special night on many levels. Not only was it a time of celebrating the release of my CD, ‘Summer Rains Have Gone,’ it was a sweet time of celebrating and lifting up Jesus. It was a night I’ll never forget.”
SUMMER RAINS HAVE GONE is available now and can be purchased from Channing Eleton’s Website: http://channingeleton.com/ and also at ITunes http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/summer-rains-have-gone/id472529500.
To find out more about Channing’s ministry or concert schedule, visit his website and also follow him  on Twitter www.twitter.com/channingeleton and on FaceBook www.facebook.com/channingeleton