The Browders from Hiltons, VA recently traveled to Atlanta, GA to film a Christmas Program at WATC-TV 57 for GOSPEL MUSIC USA. The program will air at 2:30 pm on the station Saturday December 12 at 2:30 pm.

The Browders are a family group. Father Tommy was stricken with polio at age of two and was paralyzed, but at the age of nine he began to regain feeling in his thumb. At the time he was stricken the doctors told his parents that he would not live to be a teenager. Today Tommy is leading the group and although still in a wheel chair, he is able to play a guitar and sing with the group.

During the tv taping, Tommy read the Christmas Story from the Bible. The group sang Christmas songs. Danny Jones, Karen Peck Gooch and Mike LeFevre host GOSPEL MUSIC USA. The program can also be seen in the Greenville, SC area on their sister station WGGS-TV. It is also available on the internet www.watc.tv.

Gospel Music USA is on Facebook where you can become friends and see video clips and photos of the tapings.
Other Christmas programs taped were Tim Lovelace to be aired November 28, Alison Speer to be aired December 12, and A Merry Gospel Christmas to be aired December 19.
Story by Robert York.
For more artist information visit SGN Scoops Facebook page.