The Booth Brothers recently traveled from Tennessee to the town of Coburg, Ontario, home of Lakeshore Pentecostal Camp. The Camp hosts a huge Tabernacle where thousands of Gospel music fans enjoy their favorite artists every year. This trio is a favorite here, having made the trip north many times, beginning when the group was known as Ron Booth and the Booth Brothers. This year the Camp is celebrating their 80th Anniversary, and on this night of their 2016 Concert Series there was almost a full house to enjoy the Booth Brothers.
The Booth Brothers changed personnel at the beginning of 2015 and for some in the crowd this was their first time to hear Michael and Ronnie Booth with newcomer Paul Lancaster. From all indications, Paul was accepted and enjoyed by all. The Brothers went from older favorites like “All Over

The World,†and “Welcome To The Family†to newer songs off their project Still, such as “Touch of the Master’s Hands,†“Still,†and the jazzy, “Happy Rhythm.â€
These men are still singing the intricately woven harmonies that they are known for, such as in the powerful “Jesus Saves,†one of this writer’s personal favorites.  As Ronnie and Michael picked up guitars, and Paul picked up a pair of rhythm sticks, they moved into a more Country feel with Alabama’s “High Cotton,†and from Still: “Down By The River,†a song which would chart easily on the Christian Country area and possibly gain airplay on regular Country stations. It is not short on the Gospel message, but if Carrie Underwood can chart with “Something In The Water,†possibly the Booth Brothers can get their music played on secular stations as well.

After the concert ended with the Booth Brothers’ iconic hit, “He Saw It All (The Blind Man Song),†Ronnie, Michael and Paul agreed to a bit of an interview with SGNScoops, including a quick Fast Five quiz. Keep watching for the rest of the interview with one of the top artists in Gospel music!
The Booth Brothers’ Fast Five
We did a true Fast Five with the three men, looking for the first answer that came to their mind.
What is your favorite food?
Ronnie: Pizza
Paul: PF Changs. Chinese.

Michael: Pizza, although I don’t eat it much. The only way I can stay trim is I have expensive suits and I cut them tight, and I can’t afford to replace them!
What is your favorite color of footwear?
Paul: Black
Michael: Black for my suits, earth tones when I’m casual.
Ronnie: Black
What is your favorite city to visit or vacation in?
Michael: We never go on vacation.I want to go to the Grand Canyon with my family. We [The Booth Brothers] go to a lot of places but we never see anything. I’ve seen some of the best dumpsters in the world, the best backs of buildings in the world.
Ronnie: There’s so many. I love the Bahamas. So I have to say Nassau. I also love history, so I have to say Boston. Also Victoria, B.C. The architecture of some of the buildings is stunningly beautiful. I like to know all the history behind them.
Paul: Destin, Florida. Love the beach.

What is your dream car?
Ronnie: ‘69 Camaro. Black. Jet black. Not red. I had a red Firebird once and it was just a target. I got hit three times! So I lost my interest in red.
Paul: Buick Regal. I’m a simple guy. If I won a million dollars tomorrow, I’d still buy a Buick Regal. Black metallic, tan leather interior; all the bells and whistles.
Michael: Mercedes S – 500. It’s a high end car. That’s why I don’t have one. My pickup truck’s gonna have to do.
What is your favorite character in the Bible other than Jesus?
Paul: I guess my namesake, Paul.

Michael: I love Paul. I guess because I read his letters so much that I feel I know him.
Ronnie: The apostle Paul or David.
Thanks so much to The Booth Brothers for participating in the interview with SGNScoops. We hope you enjoyed your evening at Coburg. We hope you return to Canada soon.
For more on the Booth Brothers, click here.
Be sure to watch for the SGNScoops September 2016 magazine. We will be featuring a story on the Booth Brothers and their health habits! Does Michael eat gluten? Does Ronnie drink coffee? What does Paul do to keep active? Stay tuned to SGNScoops for all the answers.
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