2017 May SGNScoops Editor’s Last Word By Lorraine Walker
It’s May and with this fifth edition of SGNScoops for 2017, I hope you will find a feature, an article, or even just a photograph, that is educational, entertaining or encouraging. We look for stories that will be intriguing to you and we believe we have included many this month.
A special thanks to Dean Hopper for sharing with Craig Harris the difficulties of his health scare recently. There has been so much written about this special family over the years and we hope you enjoyed this feature. Please remember to keep them all in your prayers.
We appreciate all of our writers and staff here at Scoops, and they have all performed beyond expectations this month. These ladies and gentlemen do what they do because they believe they are making a difference. I believe they are as well.
As I look out into our backyard and see all the flowers that are now in bloom, I see what a difference they make to a rather dull scene. Color and fragrance attract bees and birds, enlivening the yard and our street. I’m so glad everything is flourishing in the warmth and moisture of spring.

It occurred to me that our team here at SGNScoops are also blooming where they are planted. Have you considered where you are in your work, your home life, your hobbies? Are you changing your landscape with the scent and beauty that is Jesus in your life?
Perhaps you are finding things so difficult right now that your spiritual life feels dry and barren. The Bible uses water as an image of the Holy Spirit and His power in our lives to bring life. Let Him wash over you today and quench your thirst, moisten your heart so that your relationship with the Lord will grow afresh. Then not only will you feel rebirth in all areas of your life, but others will catch the color and fragrance of Jesus and seeds will be planted in their hearts.
If you feel you have talents that are lying dormant in your life in the area of writing or other skills you think you might be able to utilize here at SGNScoops, please let me know. We are always looking for fresh ideas and volunteers to enrich our publication. Write me today with any comments, questions or suggestions at lorraine@sgnscoops.com.

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