By Rob Patz
Josh and Ashley Franks both grew up in the church and with Gospel music in their home. Josh was traveling as a soloist and an evangelist when he met Ashley who sang with her mother in Hope’s Journey in 2006. They were married in 2007 and now have two children, Priscilla and Joshua. Since their marriage they have been traveling and singing as a duet as well as promoting several Gospel concert events throughout the year.
I’m glad this busy couple paused for a moment to answer my ten questions!
Rob: Brand New Single: “I’ve Not Seen A Mountain”…Does this song have a personal story or meaning for you?
Josh: I think back to Myrtle Beach two years ago when Priscilla was rushed to the head trauma facility in Charleston after she suffered a fall in the convention center during Singing in the Sun. That was a mountain we surely had no strength to move, but God stepped on the scene and moved it for us!
Ashley: This is one of those songs that can speak to any person at any point in their life. Personally, there has never been a mountain that I have faced in my life that God did not move for me. I am so honored to have the privilege of delivering this song to people night after night.
Rob: What is the best thing about having kids? What is something you could do without?
Ashley: The very best thing about having my kids is that there are two people on earth who think I am the best at everything. The love that a child has for its parent is comparable to nothing else. I could, however, do without the thousand loads of laundry I wash each week.
Josh: The best thing is watching them grow and learn. I’m amazed! I could do without the mounds of toys that are taking over our home.
Rob: What three things would you each take to a desert island?
Josh: 1. My Bible! 2. My ipod! [That’s all Josh needs!]
Ashley: The first thing I would want to take is my Bible. The second thing is a notepad and I guess number 3 would have to be a pen. I love to write everything! Feelings, lyrics, whatever. I just love to write!
Rob: What song do you each wish you had sung and charted first?
Ashley: Definitely “Four Days Lateâ€!
Josh: “God on the Mountainâ€
Rob: What song do you each wish you had written?
Josh: “Amazing Graceâ€
Ashley: “Through The Fire.†That song defines my life; I feel like it came right from my own heart! Gerald Crabb is an excellent writer!
Rob: There are a lot of awful things happening in the world right now. What advice do you have for people who can’t understand why God would allow them to happen?
Ashley: My mom and I actually just finished a new song about this very thing. We don’t need to understand why God does or doesn’t do the things that we think He should do. We just need to trust that He knows more than we do.
Josh: I would tell them to keep holding on and fighting the good fight of faith. Unfortunately I don’t believe it is scriptural that things will get better, but God will protect His children.
Rob: Do each of you have a favorite Bible character? Who and why?
Josh: The Apostle Paul. He preached Jesus with boldness and told it like it was!
Ashley: I love the story of Elijah and Elisha. A true example of how we, in this generation, should have an even larger burden than the last generation to do God’s work. The elders paved the way and it’s our job to continue reaching people for Christ!
Rob: What is your favorite thing to do with your children at Easter?
Ashley: This year Priscilla is old enough to understand when you teach her about Jesus. She is learning already about the Cross and Resurrection. I love to talk with her about the Bible.
Josh: Celebrate the Resurrection in church, of course!
Rob: What is (each of) your favorite Easter song?
Josh: ‘There Rose A Lamb.â€
Ashley: “He’s Alive†by the Talley Trio.
Rob: What are some new and cool things happening for you this coming year?
Ashley: God has opened many new doors for us in 2014. We are very excited about having a very busy schedule.  A couple things we are excited about: being included on the Friday night program at the Singing in the Sun. We are also going to be appearing on Gerald Crabb’s Gospel Fest this August. For complete details, see  www.joshandashleyfranks.comhttp://www.joshandashleyfranks.com/
Thanks to Ashley and Josh Franks for answering our questions and letting us in on their lives and their ministry. Be sure to visit their website and their schedule to find out when they will be appearing near you. Support this lovely family and their ministry as they reach the world for Jesus!
First published by SGN Scoops in April 2014. Written by Rob Patz, Publisher of SGN Scoops.
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