I decided to dust off my passport and travel across the state line to visit a friend in Alabama. After getting everything clear they let me in. I visited with a great friend while I was there and would like to let you know exactly what she does. Most everyone knows her as the “HEY Y’ALL” lady, while I know her as Vonda and Friend.
Vonda Easley doing her show “Strictly Southern with Vonda Easley”
Vonda Easley is involved in numerous things that go on in Southern Gospel Music. In her early life she was brought up loving Gospel, Bluegrass and Country music. Around 10 years ago she and her daughter Ashley Easley formed a group to share God’s word and message in Southern Gospel music. She named the group “Hope’s Journey” and has been going strong ever since. She works with Morris Music Group and has a promotion company, Hey Y’all Media. You can also find her working as a dental hygienist. Ashley married Josh Franks and left Hope’s Journey to sing with her husband. Tracy Byrd is now singing with Vonda and Chris Clay in Hope’s Journey. Vonda is also deeply involved with SGN Scoops and has developed a relationship with them that is carried all around the world.
Well, that’s just to say a little about Vonda. I when to Heflin, AL to see what she was up to. First off, there was a concert that Josh and Ashley hosted called ‘Battle of the Quartets’. It featured Mark Trammell Quartet and The Perrys along with Josh and Ashley. Well guess who was also there:
Ashley Easley Franks
Grandma Vonda keeping her grandchildren and spending time with her family. The next morning she was up bright and early for her live radio program at  WPIL-FM called Strictly Southern with Vonda Easley.  She had Charlie Sexton as a guest on the program talking about a benefit concert that was happening that evening. I then joined her on the program where we chatted about Gospel music and concerts. The final 30 minutes of the program is usually devoted to a phone call with Rob Patz talking about events that are going on and just really having a good fun time. Rob loves to call that portion of the show the Rob and Vonda Show, but Vonda has a different idea about it.
One of the upcoming events that Vonda is heavily involved in, that will prove to be very successful and enjoyable is Southern Gospel Weekend, March 26-28 at the Oxford, AL Civic Center. Vonda and Rob have put together a great weekend of Southern Gospel Music which will feature around 30 artists. This one of the many events sponsored by SGN Scoops which also host the Diamond Awards Program in the fall at the Creekside Gospel Music Convention.
Well after the radio program, Vonda went by to spend a little while with her mother and take her to lunch, but the day was not over for her. Hope’s Journey had a benefit concert to perform at that evening so it was off to the concert to sing. She was joined by several other groups and they raised over $3500 for a young child whose medical expenses had become more than the parents could afford.Â
This is just a little about Vonda Easley and what she does to carry God’s message to hurting folks. Visiting with her and the staff at WPIL-FM is always an honor for me. Keep up with Vonda and Hopes Journey.  www.hopesjourneyonline.com
For more on Southern Gospel Weekend visit http://www.southerngospelweekend.com/
For more on Creekside Gospel Music Convention visit  http://www.creeksidegospelmusicconvention.com/
For more on Strictly Southern with Vonda Easley visit https://www.facebook.com/StrictlySouthernWithVondaEasleyÂ