Life Upraised January 1 2022

Life Upraised January 1 2022

By Sandra Bailey Sheldon-McGowan

“…For mine eyes have seen thy salvation”
Luke 2:30
The words of Simeon when he saw the Christ child.
To Simeon, as to every true believer, Jesus represented salvation, but he went on to say to Mary, “Behold, this child Is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against; (Yea, A sword Shell pierce through the line own soul also) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”
Christ does not represent the same hope for everyone. To those who reject Him, He is a symbol of death and judgment.
All the things that were ordered by Providence, things that would pierce his mother’s heart with grief to the core, were required to reveal the thoughts and intents of human hearts.
He came, not to bring peace, but a sword.
The battle between good and evil that
started with a pride-filled angel named Lucifer, had come to the place where evil would be confronted once and for all.
The Son of God himself was given to us. All of mankind would, from that point on, be faced with the acceptance or rejection of that gift.
Some would come to utter ruin through their rejection, others to salvation and recovery in their believing in Him.
Through this process, the real characters of men and women are discovered. Sincerity vs hypocrisy and earthly-mindedness. As we read the Christmas story, we seen this process unfold as study those who envisioned an earthly king that would rule over their enemies. These people were humiliated and offended at the thought the such an obscure form would be their Messiah.
Jesus does not operate on human terms. Those who come to Him today still come on His terms. Societal change and customs do not change the nature of God. He is the Light and in Him is no darkness at all. Those who love darkness rather than light will continue to reject Him.
On the other hand, Christ is the sign of God’s everlasting love to mankind.
He is STILL FOUND by those who seek Him with their whole heart.
I’m so thankful for that gift 2000+ years ago! Aren’t you?
“… Jehovah, Messiah, Mighty God and King.
Bread of Life, lasting words of love that I sing.
Light and darkness, Door to heaven, my home in the sky,
The Fountain of Living Water that never shall run dry!”