2020 June SGNScoops Les Butler. Bama Blu-Grace
By Les Butler
Les Butler and Friends: Bama Blu-Grace
I am excited to shine the spotlight on Bama Blu-Grace this month. They are genuine; they love
the Lord. They are talented. You can look in any magazine chart and see their name toward the
top, almost every month. They are a hoot!
I am reminded of Prov. 17:22, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.†Here’s Bama Blu-
Grace. Enjoy!
Les Butler: Please introduce each member; name, vocal part, instruments played, etc.
Bama Blu-Grace (BBG): Our group consists of Ron Burrow – Dobro – Lead and Harmony
Vocals; Christie Burrow – Guitar – Harmony Vocals; Ronald Hale – Banjo/Guitar – Lead and
Harmony Vocals; Jennifer Hale – Fiddle – Lead and Harmony Vocals; Ivy Hale – Uke Bass –
Lead and Harmony Vocals; Abigail Burrow – Mandolin – Harmony Vocals.
Butler: Please give us your group history.
BBG: We are celebrating our 20 th anniversary this year. God softly asked us if we would be
willing to give up our normal family activities on the weekends, go sing for him, and spread his
word to others. We accepted the call, even though we knew very little about singing and playing
instruments. We trusted him, that he would guide us and use us in the way that would bring glory
to him.
It’s not about recognition or fame; it’s about being obedient. We are no different than those who
change the words on the church signs, teach Sunday school class, print bulletins, or open the
church doors. We are just willing to do a small part in spreading hope, encouragement, and shine
a light in a world that seems to be growing dim.
Butler: Do you have a funny road story you could share with us?
BBG: We were booked in Grapeland, Texas, at Salmon Lake Park for their Bluegrass Gospel
festival. We did a little research before going, and realized that within the park, they had a small
lake that you could swim in. So with traveling from Alabama to Texas with four kids; they
would not stop asking about swimming in the lake. Once we arrived and put the bus in park, we
realized that the lake could be seen from the stage.
As Ron B. was beginning to exit the bus, he heard one more scream from the back, “Can we go
swim?†He turned to everyone in the group, and made this announcement, “No one is going into
the water today.†As we walked towards the stage to become more acclimated to our
environment, we passed over the lake which had three algae-covered concrete steps leading
down into the water. Curious as to how cold it was, Ron B. decided to stick his feet into the
water. Within seconds, we heard the slapping and popping sounds of his Crocs on the slick
algae-covered steps, as we watched him disappear under the water. Little did we know that the
majority of the crowd witnessed this as our kids were screaming, “I thought you said no one was
to go into the lake today?â€
Butler: Please give us a brief testimony/vision of the group.
BBG: Our main goal as a group is for people to see us walking the same godly walk on a normal
day through the week as they see us singing on stage on a Sunday, whether at work, school, or
even the grocery store. We want God’s light to shine through us the same every day as it does
when we are singing, and we hope to make an impact on others inside and outside of the church.
So if God tells us tomorrow that our job is done, and we find that we have made an impact only
on just one person in helping them come to know Christ, we can all say that it has been worth it.
Butler: Can each of you state some of your favorite things?
BBG: For the Hale family – Ivy and Ronald both agree that their most favorite thing is Star
Wars. Ronald also says that his favorite thing is not corn. Jennifer enjoys watching Hallmark
movies during Christmas time. And I mean, who doesn’t?
For the Burrow family – Abigail is an animal/farm lover. Her favorite thing to do is spend time
outside. Christie loves working in the garden and painting. Ron’s most favorite thing is the
“Fourth Quarter.†This includes the months of October, November, and December. He always
looks forward to this time of year.
Butler: Will each of you name a singer or musician that you feel has impacted the way you
sing or play?
BBG: Jennifer says that the singer/musician that has inspired her the most is Allison Krauss. The
two people that have made an impact on Ronald are Reagan and Mike Riddle. Ivy states that
Laura Story, the author of “Blessings,†has influenced her singing career the most. Abigail and
Christie both agree that the Isaacs have impacted their singing/music career. Abigail has been
singing their songs at the top of her lungs in the back seat of the car since she was a little girl.
Russell Moore with IIIrd Tyme Out has been Ron’s biggest role model. He says that even though
he can’t sing like him, he could listen to him sing all day.
Butler: Tell us about your latest CD.
BBG: Well again, we have had the awesome opportunity to work with Les Butler. Words cannot
describe what he has done for us along this journey. He has exposed us to amazing musicians,
and most importantly, the anointed song writers, that have given us the opportunity to record
what we think are some of the best songs ever written. “Blessings†is probably the most
important project we have ever been a part of in our 20-year career. Each and every song has
such an inspirational message that has impacted us as well as those who have listened.
Butler: Can you please give us your contact information?
BBG: Ronald Hale – 2843 County Road 946 – Logan, AL 35098. Email address:
Website: bamablu-grace.com
We are also on FaceBook at Bama Blu-Grace.