2020 June SGNScoops Publisher’s Point By Rob Patz
So here we are ….
Over the last couple of weeks that is the statement that I’ve heard from so many people: So, here we are. What does the future hold? How will our music, our industry, the world around us, recover?
There are many that have their opinion as to what we will see over the next few months as far as music in general, church, and the general population.
I believe that God is getting ready to restore everything that we have lost over the last few months. I believe there’s going to be an outpouring of excitement for church, for concerts, and for events.
I believe we as a people for so long have taken for granted the opportunity to be able to go to church, and I truly believe this time of a pandemic circling our country has awakeno people’s desire to return to church and to return to something most of us took for granted.
Many people are worried about the future. They are worried they will in some way be infected by this horrible COVID-19.
Over the last three months, certain scriptures have come clearly to my mind. In fact, as I was sitting on an airplane, flying home from Atlanta to Seattle, I opened up My Bible app and Isaiah 41 came up. Suddenly the words, “Fear not, for I am with you,” shot through me like a sword.
I realize there is a lot in our world to be fearful of, but we need to remember that we have a God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever; that none of this came as a surprise to him, that he wasn’t shocked by this but he knew the outcome from the beginning.
So, as we began to return to a normalcy, I truly believe that we as humans need to have – not a new normal – but normal back to what it should be, back to what we truly need as a world, back to the basics of the Bible and faith in God.Â
Let me tell you this: Fear not, for God is with you. Go boldly into this next phase. Know that God is with you, that he is there to protect you, that he is already in your tomorrows, and he already knows your plans.
So, if you are a promoter this is like a new beginning. Promote harder than ever. If you’re a singer, may this be a time that you invest more in the ministry that God has called you to. If you’re someone like me who works in the industry, may we find new ways to cultivate the opportunities that come out of a terrible three months of being at home.
I’m seriously thinking about getting shirts that say “Fear not.”
But right now, let me encourage you to come and be a part of Creekside 2020 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. I believe that this year is going to be life-changing. I believe God is going to use it as an opportunity and a conduit, to send out a revival throughout this country. Join me October 25 – 29, 2020.

Until next time, this is the Publisher’s Point.
By Rob Patz
First published by SGNScoops Magazine in June 2020