2020 May SGNScoops Magazine
Publisher’s Point
By Rob Patz
Welcome to the May Publisher’s Point. I hope that this issue finds you safe.
We are living in unprecedented times. We have never seen unemployment at these levels, we have never known the hardship that is currently happening, but I will tell you this: if you study history, you know that out of hardship comes great victory.
I truly believe that for our industry, this is a time of reset. I believe God is using this time to get us ready for even greater things for gospel music. I believe our magazine is going to grow, I believe concerts are going to grow, and I believe that we are going to see more people come to know Christ in the next year than we have seen in a long time.
When I started Creekside, one of the things I prayed was that it would be a center for revival; that people would come and be restored and feel excitement to go back out into the community, to go and to reach those that may not know Jesus as their personal Savior. I truly believe that this year at Creekside that will be our theme: a theme of revival, not only for our community, but for our country. I believe that!
If you haven’t made your plans yet, I want you to join us for Creekside 2020. I think it’s going to be a life-changing experience.
I think that for many of us the time at home has been a time of reflection about what used to be. That’s good. We need to remember what the past was like but I’m going to challenge you, starting this month, to boldly move forward to what God has for us to do.
I think that this is just the start of something great; I think we’re going to start to see the country come back to life.
I want to encourage you to seek out events that are still going to happen. I know there’s been cancellations, and rumors of cancellations, but I want to encourage you to take time to go to a concert when there’s one in your area. Please encourage your favorite gospel artist today.
It’s so easy during this time to look at all the things in front of us that are daunting. There are so many cases in the Bible where we read the story of people, including the Israelites, when everything was against them, God brought them through. We can think of David and Noah, and we can realize at those times, people rose up boldly, making a stand: David took down the giant when no one else could, Noah built an ark when there wasn’t any rain.
I challenge you today to be like them, to make a stand, even with those around you who might be saying that the world is crumbling. Today, we need to plant our flag as Christians and tell them the good news: we serve a God who is a God of restoration and hope!

As I talked about earlier in this Publisher’s Point, I want you to come and be a part of Creekside 2020. We truly believe this year is going to be life-changing. We are already praying for just that! We want you to be there: October 25 through October 29. If you need information, please email me: rob@sgnscoops.
Until next time, this is the Publisher’s Point.
By Rob Patz
Published in the May 2020 issue of SGNScoops Magazine